Evaluating Sources-Annotating Your Sources

Evaluating Sources-Annotating Your Sources
Evaluating Sources-Annotating Your Sources

Evaluating Sources-Annotating Your Sources-Writing Plan

This assignment has 3 parts. Please read all instructions carefully.

Part 1 Evaluating Sources

You will need to find three sources.

After you find a credible source that can be used for your persuasive essay, you will fill out the attached document called (TheCRAAPWSrevised.doc. Then, explain how the source fared with the C.R.A.A.P test by answering the following questions in one fully developed paragraph:

What were the total points the source earned on the test?

Where did it earn the most amount of points? How did it earn these points?

Where did it earn the least amount of points? Why did it lose points here?

Ultimately, how will this source help support the main argument (or counterargument) of your essay?

Part 2 Annotating Your Sources

You’ll create a bibliography entry by following the steps and answering the questions as thoroughly as possible. The questions will prompt you to engage in a conversation with your sources. You will need to complete this activity three times (for your three different sources). see attached document called Annotating Your Sources.doc

Part 3 Writing Plan

In this part you will use the document attached called writing notes. Revisit the Writing Notes and revise the responses to produce a complete, polished document that addresses all of the below elements. By reconsidering the responses from the Writing Notes, you will construct a Writing Plan. This process will allow you to develop a potential structure for effectively persuading readers to agree with your argument. This plan will be helpful in keeping your thought process on track when you begin writing and revising your essay. Answer the questions that is attached on the document called Constructing Your Writing Plan, each response should be one fully developed paragraph in length (5-8 sentences).

Critical Elements

  • argument*
  • key points*
  • audience*
  • goal*
  • potential resources*
  • evidence*
  • feedback*
  • revision

Attached is the Essay that should be used for all three parts of assignment, Guidelines and Rubrics, and everything else that you will need.

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