Evaluation paper Assignment Available

Evaluation paper
Evaluation paper

Evaluation paper

Evaluation paper

Evaluations require that the evaluator (the writer) assess an ‘X’ ( a program, a place, a service, a product, etc) according to a set of criteria (the
ideal), and then offer a judgment on how well the ‘X’ meets those criteria.
You have been asked to consider how our present culture engages in effective communication with words and with images. As discussed in class, image-based
communication and truncated word usage has become quite common. As a member and participant in both the present culture and in the art of communication, your
evaluation touches not only on those separate from you, but includes a bit of self-assessment as well.
You will evaluate your own usage of both words and/or images in light of what you believe offers the most effective means of communicating with others
As a writer, you must first establish (make a claim) what is most effective in good communication practice – that claim is a version of ‘this is most
effective and here’s why’ (that’s the criteria). Then you offer self-evaluation: ‘here’s where I stand in light of that’ – you explain how your personal
choices in communication with others (using words, images, both, neither) is effective or ineffective.
One part of your evaluation explains this:
Here’s what the culture does. Here’s how it is/isn’t working. Use other sources to back up what you claim here (that’s why you’ve been given articles to
read, and should find more sources on your own)
Another part of your evaluation makes a judgment (claim) about how communication should be used (based on what others are saying about it, what you’ve
observed in others and what you practice yourself).
Another part is an honest self-evaluation of your own communication – based on what you know is best, and how you meet the criteria you know (and prove) are
You must use others’ ideas. That’s why you have been given articles to read and why you should find others (writers) that support what you want to say about
effective communication in general, about our present culture in particular and even about your own usage of words and images to communicate with others.

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