Event Management Essay Assignment Paper

Event Management
                                   Event Management

Event Management

1- (Respond to this scenario with a combination of paragraphs, as well as an outline, with very specific details that are guided by info from the Hoop Hall website, and the textbook. This section should comprise at least 1-2 pages and is worth 50 points- there are 40 points identified below, and 10 points will also be affiliated with proofreading, APA citations, the level of detail and the quality of writing for both responses) As a head supervisor for Hoop Hall, you must plan the logistics for the staff during the five-day event. Provide a detailed plan for when you will schedule pre-event staff meetings (at least two prior to the event), and outline what you will cover at each of those meetings. (10 points)

Then you must explain your plan for daily staff meetings once the event starts (on Thursday), and what would be covered at each meeting. Be sure to include what will be covered for volunteers, liaisons, and academic volunteers. (10 points)

As part of the event staff meetings, you must include an assessment of possible risks, and explain how those risks would be mitigated. (10 points)

Finally, discuss how you will motivate your different staff members, and include a plan for how you will evaluate the performance of the different levels of staff at the event. (10 points)

2- Your proposed community plan event has been selected by the local organization for funding. The organization liked your proposal so much that they have decided to sponsor and promote your event with a major influx of money. In 1-2 pages, explain how your goals and objectives would change for this event (20 points) , and then explain how you will now significantly upgrade the event services and logistics- at least three of each (20 points) . You must use the textbook to identify specific areas for upgrade of the services and logistics, and provide at least one example of an event that has similar details as your own (10 points).

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