Event planner for GBC Events-Event Proposal

Event planner for GBC Events-Event Proposal
Event planner for GBC Events-Event Proposal

Event planner for GBC Events-Event Proposal

As an event planner for GBC Events, you have the opportunity to develop a plan for an upcoming event for the School of Hospitality and Tourism at George Brown College. You are in competition with other event planners, and as such, you must prepare an event plan which clearly and succinctly outlines your intentions for this event. NOTE: Please refrain from planning a concert.
The objectives of this assignment are:
1. To identify and plan an event which embraces the mission of the School of Hospitality and Tourism at George Brown College;
2. To incorporate various elements/components of an event into a written plan; and,
3. To work in a team environment (in groups of 4). Individual plans will not be accepted.
To accomplish the assignment objectives, please follow the guidelines below:
1. The event must take place at a venue off campus within the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Please do not use GBC as your venue.
2. Prepare a written plan which includes the following:
1. Executive Summary
2. Client background
3. Event Objectives
4. Date / Time / Duration
5. Budget
6. Venue
7. Programming / Activities / Event Agenda
8. Target Audience / Guest Number
9. Marketing
10. Operations and Logistics
3. The proposal must be feasible and viable.
Along with the written plan, you are encouraged to include photos (clearly labelled), a floor plan(s), survey, and any other information which is necessary to communicate the plan for this event.
A written copy must be submitted within the first 15 minutes of the due date. Late submissions will be subject to a deduction in marks.
Your document must include a cover page and table of contents.
Course name: Event Planning and Management Winter 2019 Course code: HOST 3013
Assignment: Event Proposal

Event Plan Components: Items to consider when developing a plan for the event…
i. Executive Summary
Captures the essence of the event you are going to plan. It should address the following W’s, i.e.
o – What is the event?
o – Who is the event for?
o – When is the event taking place?
o – Why is the event taking place?
o – Where is the event happening?
o – What is taking place during the event?
Also…what is the budget for the event?
ii. Client Background
Provide detail regarding the client. You may need to include information relating to demographics, psychographics and/or firmographics. What is the history/background of the client? What is the corporate mission/mandate? Why is the client in business?
iii. Event Objectives
What is/are the objective(s) of the event? These should be SMART objectives which should be measured either during and/or upon conclusion of the event. The objectives set the ìstageî for whatís to come / what is happening during the event, and why.
iv. Date/Time/Duration
What is the date of the event? What is the timing of the event? How long will the event be?
v. Budget
What are the anticipated expenses (and revenues) for the event? Provide a budget in chart format (preferably an excel document).
vi. Target Audience / Guest Number
Describe the target audience and the number of people who be in attendance
vii. Venue
Research appropriate venues (not associated with the college) but within the GTA. Select one venue that is best suited to host this event. Provide a description of the venue. What amenities and services does this venue provide? Include a rationale as to why this venue was selected. Include photos and a floor plan of the venue. Include information of the room(s) to be used for the event.
Course name: Event Planning and Management Winter 2019 Course code: HOST 3013

Assignment: Event Proposal

viii. Programming / Activities / Agenda
What is happening during the event, while guests are in attendance? Provide an agenda for the event. Include information on activities/entertainment that will be taking place during the event. Information regarding the food service is included i.e. menu and timing of service.
ix. Marketing
How will the event be marketed? How will you reach the target audience? Will tickets be sold? If so, where/how? Mass marketing techniques may not be appropriate. Be specific in terms of what the marketing plan will be and the timing of marketing initiatives.
E.g. Stating that the event information will be posted on social media is NOT sufficient.
x. Operations and Logistics
What needs to be put in place in order to execute the event on site? Is there a specific rooms(s) required? Is there specific equipment, audio/visual, tables/chairs, de¥cor, signage, and other items required? You may want to include a floor plan which provides detail on what is needed within the event space and where items are placed. What staff, and how many staff, will be required to help execute the event?

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