Evidence based practice on nursing with their definition and under each word the definition then under that the reference for example :
1 – Primary Nursing
Primary Nursing is a system in which one nurse is responsible for overseeing the total care of a number of clients. It is a method of providing
comprehensive, individualised and consistent care (Gonda & Hales 2016, p122).
Gonda, J & Hales M 2016, ‘Health care Delivery Systems’, Kozier and Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing Care, Vol 1, Pearson Australia, French Forest, NSW.
2- Primary Research
Primary research is the initial research which has been conducted between any of the following; health professionals, patients and or medical students (Daly, Speedy, Jackson 2014, p.g 141).
Daly J, Speedy S, Jackson D 2014, Contexts of Nursing, 4th edn, Elsevier, Australia.
* each definition has to be no more than 30 words
* No plurals words
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