Evidence-Based Practice
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Evidence-Based Practice
Write a 2-3 page (not including title and reference) paper in 6th edition APA format. Give an example of how nursing can be involved in evidence-based practice. What are the barriers to implementing EBP in your own organization and how cost and quality impact the utilization of EBP within your own organization?
Evidence-Based Practice
Evidence based practice (EBP) is a type of practice in healthcare that focuses on findings from researches and different types of data such as data that is used in quality improvement and quality improvement. EBP is usually used with the aim of improving healthcare services and over the recent years, nursing has been involved in EBP through numerous ways.
One of the most notable and common way through which nursing has been involved in EBP is in nursing management. Over the years, there have always been issues in a number of healthcare facilities concerning how the nursing management process is undertaken. With the introduction of evidence based practice, wide management science evidence has been drawn for the purposes of enhancing the nursing practice. This management science practice has enabled nursing executives to acquire new skills and competencies which have enabled them to shift and develop into a corporate focus. This shift in focus has undeniably played a big role in improving nursing as it has been seen in the manner in which healthcare facilities have grown for example through expanding outpatient services, cost containment and increased demand for quality outcomes. A report by the American Nurses Association indicates that with the incorporation of EBP in nursing management, the total health expenditure is expected to hit 13% of GDP by the 2032. (Holland & Rees, 2010, pg 216)
Implementing EBP in a number of organizations has at times been difficult due to the numerous barriers that have presented themselves. Implementing EBP requires literature review of bulk literature articles, for example it is estimated that approximately 8,000 literature articles which are relevant to family medicine practice and a practitioner in such a practice would require over 20 hours of literature review everyday so as to stay abreast of new evidence. This is practically impossible and is one of the main factors lowering the pace of implementing EBP. The perception by most of the healthcare practitioners has also been a major barrier in implementing EBP. In my organization, for example, most nurses and management officials have the perception that EBP is difficult to implement since it requires a lot of input in terms of time and this has provided reluctance in the adoption of this practice. Implementation of EBP requires one to have skills such as IT and information searching skills. Most nurses lack these skills and are therefore unable to implement the practice in an efficient manner as it is required. (Houser & Oman, 2011, pg 11)
Utilization of EBP requires enormous funds set aside for the purposes of conducting the relevant researches. Most organizations such as my own organization usually have insufficient funds to enable them effectively conduct the practice efficiently. The quality of healthcare services that most organizations aim to produce has played an enormous role in promoting the use of EBP as it has been shown by the numerous studies and researches conducted. Over the years, EBP has shown to produce quality healthcare services in terms of the now easier task of nurses in care giving and reduced timeline that patients now take to recover compared to the timeline they used to take with the use of the traditional method. My organization, just like many other organizations, has encouraged the use of EBP so at to accomplish the providing of quality healthcare services. (Goldstein & Morrison, 2013, Pg 410).
In conclusion, EBP is a very effective means of improving the nursing practice but it has a number of challenges that must be overcome in order to accomplish this.
Goldstein, N. E., & Morrison, R. S. (2013). Evidence-based practice of palliative medicine. Philadelphia: Elsevier/Saunders.
Holland, K., & Rees, C. (2010). Nursing: Evidence-based practice skills. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Houser, J., & Oman, K. S. (2011). Evidence-based practice: An implementation guide for healthcare organizations. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.
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