Evolution of Online Banking Paper


Evolution of Online Banking Paper
Evolution of Online Banking Paper

Evolution of Online Banking Paper

Evolution of Online Banking Paper

How to lay out your final Project – details.
• List of Contents
• 1.1 Introduction. Sets the scene, what is the subject area you are researching into? (c1/2 page)
Answer: EVOLUTION of Online banking.
• 1.2 Problem Statement. The key area of your research. Why are you looking at it? Is there an issue, problem, etc. (c1/2 page)
Answer: The area of focus is Security and privacy.
• 1.3 Background Survey – your Literature Review. This underpins your Project. What have others’ written about the subject. Do not just add a list. Use
books, academic journals, trade journals, newspapers + summary of Lit. Review. Use Harvard method & be objective. (c3/4 or 1 page)
1.4 Proposed Approach, (Aims and objectives, Rational of the Research Questions,Research Methodology, Thoughts Process.

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