Examine the depiction of familial bonds in the chosen stories
Topic: Examine the depiction of familial bonds (between spouses, siblings, parents, and children) or other relationships in two works. How are notions of self-hood connected to a larger identity of family, tribe, or nation?
Stories that need to be used: “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin and “The Yellow
Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman.
Write a well reasoned essay, using appropriate research to develop a focused argument about two works that appear on the syllabus.
The essay must develop a unified idea that applies to both texts, using evidence from both to support. In-depth discussion of the primary texts is critical to receiving a good grade on this assignment.
In addition, you must use at least three secondary sources – these may be about the works in question, the author, relevant themes, or factual information.
You must cite sources correctly using MLA style and include a works cited page.
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