Recently, an expanding trend of security incidents, like website defacement, leakage of data,
hacking of servers, data being stolen by disgruntled employees, has been noticed. However, the
International College has to collate and share confidential information with colleagues across
unsecured Networks (such as the Internet); You are tasked to produce a report that contains
between 1500-2000 words, showing the importance of data security, data protection
mechanisms, and the ways to securely share information across a networked environment.
Formatting Requirements (Section B only)
Saving your File
The coursework should be saved as a file entitled: Student#FIRSTNAME_StudentID_TEE103
All text should be left justified.
Do not use full justification.
Paragraphs should not be indented and should, instead, be separated by a space. Use size 11 Calibri
Edit your writing for spelling and grammar. Write as concisely as possible.
Title Page
Include the cover sheet for section B, with your name, student number, course code,
and submission date.
Headers/Page Numbers
Use Word Header & Footer to insert a header, including your last name and
the page number, positioned at the top right side of the page.
Your name should be separated from the number using a vertical line, similar to “Smith |
1”. Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) begin on the first page of the assignment and should be
used for all subsequent pages.
Use Word Styles to consistently format your headings for sections and subsections.
Include captions below figures and above tables using the Word Captions tool.
Refer to each figure and table in the body of your report using cross-referencing, also found under the
Word Captions tool. Use the “Only Label and Number” option when inserting cross- references such
that the references appear as “Table 1” or “Figure 1” in the body of the report.
References (Section B only)
Use Word Citations & Bibliography to insert in text citations and add a references
section to the end of your document.
Reference all documents used. Citations must be in Havard style
Expanding trend of security incidents, like website defacement, leakage of data, hacking of servers
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