Explain Sam Argument from After Death Conceivability Knowledge and Reality
- Learn how to explain complicated philosophical material clearly and in your own words.
- Improve your ability to communicate complicated material to someone not already familiar with that material, so that they could learn that material from you.
- Learn how to state a novel, plausible philosophical position.
- Improve your ability to state a novel position on a complex topic and provide a plausible justification for that position that a reasonable person who did not already accept it would need to consider.
Explain Sam Argument from After Death Conceivability Instructions
- Write an essay of approximately 750 words (no less than 730 words and no more than 770) answering ONE of the following questions.
- It should be possible for an intelligent reader, who knows nothing of the material, to learn and understand the argument you have chosen to explain from reading your essay.
- Be sure to explain the necessary background material in your own words. (Do NOT simply repeat material that has been presented on lecture slides or in your recitation.)
- In stating your novel position, be sure to express your ideas sufficiently clearly that a reader could understand your position from what you have written.
- Be sure to number your pages.
- Be sure to cite your evidence for your attribution to the philosopher you have chosen (either giving a page number for his text or citing the date of the class lecture).
- Bring a paper copy to lecture. Include your name, your TA’s name, and the day and time of your section on the BACK of the last page of your paper for anonymous review.
- You must upload an electronic copy to Turnitin on Blackboard to receive credit for your paper.
Explain Sam Argument from After Death Conceivability
- Explain Sam’s Argument from After-death Conceivability. Then either state what you take to be the best reason to think that the first premise is plausible OR the best reason to think it is not plausible. (Note: You will need to provide a novel reason. Do not simply repeat a reason given either in your lecture or in your section.)
- Explain Sam’s Argument from Introspection. Then explain which theory of Personal Identity Sam must presuppose for his argument to be successful and why his argument must presuppose it.
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