Extra Credit Food as Cultural Communication

Extra Credit Food as Cultural Communication 121 Book:
The Interpersonal Communication Book, 13th Edition, by Joseph A. DeVito (2013)
You need to write answers to teacher’s questions and provide the pictures and web links.

Extra Credit Food as Cultural Communication
Extra Credit Food as Cultural Communication

In Chapter 6, you read about an aspect of nonverbal communication called artifactual communication.
Please read 1) the definition for artifactual communication and 2) the rest of this section in your book.
We might consider food to be an example of this kind of nonverbal communication.
I invite you to think about how your culture uses a specific kind of food as communication.
For example, why is turkey traditionally served at Thanksgiving? Here’s one possible explanation: https://www.plimoth.org/learn/MRL/read/thanksgiving-history
Consider what the holiday represents for Americans, and note the references to “fowl”; and “wild turkeys”; on this web page. In this
context, Turkey not just a big bird; rather, it represents an important time in our history.
Please address the following questions in your response.

Extra Credit Food as Cultural Communication Questions and Response

Copy each question along with the NUMBERS and put your response under it.
For this final discussion write answers to questions:
1. Tell us about ONE specific food that is significant to your culture (not turkey!). Describe the food and what it represents to members of your cultural
(300 word minimum)
2. Locate a photograph of this food, OR a credible story about it online, to introduce your classmates to this aspect of your culture. Provide the web link:

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