Falling Towers and the Curse of Osama

Falling Towers and the Curse of Osama Write an essay about the origin of the war on terror and how it redefines the divide Western/Eastern in a global society.

Falling Towers and the Curse of Osama
Falling Towers and the Curse of Osama

Why 19 hijackers turned themselves into lethal weapons on September 11, 2001, will probably never be fully understood. But can we form a rough image of their mind-set? Can we glimpse the skewed worldview that led them to terrorism, and what will that tell us about American and global reactions that came in the wake of 9/11? This program pursues those questions as it gathers insight about the attacks and their aftermath. A conversation with Andrew Card—chief of staff under George W. Bush and the official who first informed the president of the World Trade Center strikes—segues to an interview with a former Guantanamo Bay prison guard, followed by further discussion of the changes in American foreign and domestic policy wrought by the war on terror. The film also examines the repercussions of Osama bin Laden’s presence in Afghanistan as well as equally tragic disturbances in the Palestinian territories. A part of the series The Curse of Osama: Culture and Geopolitics in the Post-9/11 Age. (53 minutes)

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