Family Social History Case Plan Assignment

Family Social History Case Plan
            Family Social History Case Plan

Family Social History Case Plan

III. Family Social History and Case Plan (20%) Paper Due: Week 8
The purpose of this assignment is to be able to assess and recommend treatment and/or services to assist a
family system. Students will complete a Social History and case plan for a family based on 1 of the 2 case scenarios available on iLearn (see Week 5). Students will complete the following:

1. Create a Social History for the family, as shown in pages 307-309 on the Summers book. Do not “make up” any facts that are not there; however, if you can draw a hunch or assumption based on what you have
learned, feel free to address that in the Social History. You are expected address all of the headings that
apply to the family you chose. Points will be deducted if an area that is mentioned in the case study is not
addressed in the social history.
2. Develop 3 SMART goals for this family, and 3 objectives (activities) for each goal. The goals must be related to something that will improve overall family functioning. Please use the case plan form provided on iLearn.

Points will be deducted for failing to do so.
A grading rubric is available on iLearn and will help you organize your paper. Your paper should be between 3-5 pages (not including the cover/title page or case plan), should be well written and organized, properly edited and free of spelling and grammatical errors.

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