Fast Lane Violation and Large Standard Error

Fast Lane Violation and Large Standard Error Order Instructions: Hi, please read the two attached pages, and I only need for question # 1 on the 2nd page to be answered.

Fast Lane Violation and Large Standard Error
Fast Lane Violation and Large Standard Error

Fast Lane Violation and Large Standard Error Sample Answer


Month Day Fast Lane Violations Issued
1-Jun Mon 25
2-Jun Tue 26
3-Jun Wed 26
4-Jun Thurs 24
5-Jun Fri 26
6-Jun Sat 20
7-Jun Sun 30
8-Jun Mon 29
9-Jun Tue 25
10-Jun Wed 23
11-Jun Thurs 22
12-Jun Fri 20
13-Jun Sat 52

The C-chart demonstrates that the Fast Lane violation issued was never in control following a large standard error.  The C-chart is therefore not normally distributed in this regard.

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