Federal and Provincial Consumers Protection

Federal and Provincial Consumers Protection Order Instructions:describe in details and naming the statutes, the methods outlined in federal and provincial consumers protection statues to controls businesses with a tendency to abusive practices. discuss the effectiveness of these tactics

Federal and Provincial Consumers Protection Sample Answer


Unfair or Deceptive Practices or Acts  are covered under Section 5 of the US Federal Trade Commission Act popularly known as the FTC Act  (15 USC 45) that prohibits unfair or deceptive acts or/and practices that affect commerce. FTC places prohibition to all persons who are engaged in commerce or any form of business including banks. Section 8 of the US Federal Deposit Insurance Act, FTC Board has the authority or power to take necessary or appropriate action in the event of perpetration of unfair or deceptive acts or any illegal practices have been discovered.

The legal standards that apply to unfairness and deception are all independent and are not related to each other, depending on the circumstances and facts of each case,  an act may be unfair or deceptive or both. The following are some of Unfair Acts or Practices;

Depending on each case an act or practice is lawfully unfair when it,

  1. a) It causes or it’s likely to cause or injure substantially the consumers.
  2. b) For reasons beyond the scope of the consumers, the harm cannot be reasonably avoided.
  3. c) Its not outweighed by any countervailing benefits to the consumers or business rivals.

An act is deceptive when there is a representation, omission, conduct or practice that misleads or its most likely to mislead consumers. The misleading representation, practice or omission is material.

The FTC has been instrumental in taming banks, insurance companies and other companies that have been profiting unfairly from their customers. On 20th February, 2015, FTC played a crucial role in charging the owners of the Wristband Mosquito Repellent for deceptive business practices while it also refunded checks worth $464,000 to consumers who had lost money buying defective calorie blocking diet pills that had been marketed for fat burning. (FTC, 2015)

To conclude, FTC has achieved a lot of successes in controlling unfair trade practices in the USA and also punishing the offenders besides refunding any funds that may have been recovered back to the rightful owners.

Federal and Provincial Consumers Protection References

Federal Trade Commission (2015) Protecting American Consumers, Free Credit Report, Retrieved on 23 February 2015 from www.ftc.gov


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