Federal marijuana laws
Do you feel the federal marijuana laws should be changed? (American Government)
Since Colorado and Washington legalized recreational marijuana in late 2012 many other states have followed suit. Even in states where recreational marijuana has not been legalized (Connecticut and Maryland for example) it has been decriminalized (meaning penalties for possession up to a certain amount has been reduced to a simple fine).
Since 2012 nine states total have legalized recreational marijuana and many other states have legalized and/or softened their laws on both medical marijuana and marijuana possession.
Currently, neither recreational or medical marijuana is legal under federal law. The question here not only has implications on drug legalization, societal impacts, but on the challenges of federalism itself.
For example, if someone own a marijuana dispensary in Colorado how would they go about filing my federal tax return? Or, if two companies exchange medical marijuana from two states where it is legal, how would the federal government go about policing that activity?
Would it be worth using valuable (and limited) resources prosecuting marijuana violations considering so many states are either making legal, or at the very least, decriminalizing it?
Paper Assignment Question:
Do you feel the federal marijuana laws should be changed?
If yes, how so and why? Some other questions you may want to ponder are: Is there any societal consequences if it is federally legalized? What if the US legalizes marijuana but many states do not?
If no, then please elaborate on the consequences and challenges of maintaining the status quo.
All papers must be submitted to Turnitin.com. Any paper turned in after the due date will result in a 30% penalty. If the paper is more than a week late you will receive a zero for the assignment (no exceptions). This paper is due on Tuesday April 16th.
Length: 3-5 full pages (not including reference or title page), double spaced with proper citations and reference page.
Font: 12 point New Times Roman or Cambria
Spacing: Double spacing only
Margins: 1 inch on both sides and top to bottom
Writing Style: Both Chicago and MLA writing styles are fine. For any other writing style come see me for approval. In addition, you must have a reference page or bibliography.
Required sources: At least 3 different required sources not including the text book with proper citations.
Acceptable sources include: academic journals, academic books, print or on-line newspaper article(s), print or on-line news magazine article(s), written on-line news reports from any major news network, published government reports, published reports from institutes or think tanks, and/or legislation (proposed or passed).
Just to obviate any questions, internet or any type of encyclopedia (this includes but is not limited to Wikipedia), magazine or newspaper editorials, partisan journals or publications, and blogs are not accepted!
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