Field work Observations of second day in classroom
Take a look at the file in upload files so you have an idea / be creative
Part 1 – What happened?
- Briefly describe what the children did and any interactions that you had with children or adults during your session.
- Did the teacher do something that was really effective?
- Did the teacher do something that left you with questions?
for this section include that there was a performance for women’s history month
Part 2 – What did you learn?
Then you will write a reflection. The reflection is what you think about what you have experienced. You look back on your day and you write. Use these prompts as a guide. You DO NOT need to use any of them. Please do not use all of them!
These are suggestions to prompt your thinking:
- What questions do you have?
- Was something totally new to you?
- Did something surprise you about yourself, the students or the teacher?
- What connections can you make?
- How does your experience remind you of your early schooling experience?
- How does your experience connect to the article we have read for the Reading Response Assignments?
- How does your experience connect to any class discussion?
- How does your experience connect to what you’ve learned in any other course?
- Is there anything that you did that really worked well?
- Is there anything that you did that you would do differently next time?
- How are you changing or developing?
Please include in your weekly reflections two critical thinking questions relating to your field experience during each visit.
Please include one illustration of a National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) theme that was illustrated during your field experience each visit.
talk about #5 Individuals, Groups, and Institutions: relate it back to what was said in Part 1 ñ What happened? section.
We can write this or a similar paper for you! Simply fill the order form!