Film Review on intersectional experience of race

Film Review on intersectional experience of race
Film Review on intersectional experience of race

Film Review on intersectional experience of race

When was the film released? Which time period did the film intend to reflect?

The Film the Glory was released in the year 1989. It reflects a period of America civil war that occurred in the year 1861-1865. This movie addresses a specific segment of the American forces that composed entirely of the Black -Americans. In the movie, the Black -Americans were fighting prejudges both in the army and the confederates.

How does the main protagonist respond to or reflect an intersectional experience of race, class, gender, and sexual orientation?
The movie gained popularity first and foremost because of the courage in dealing with the thorny issue of discrimination and racism that existed in the American army. The movie shows how the lives of black Americans were desperate because they were segregated not only in the society but also in places of work such as in the army where the confederates failed to treat them as soldiers. The group of black- Americans formed an infant army that later became bloody during the civil war as they fought for their country. The movie shows how the government was also racist in discriminating black Americans. Colonel Robert Shaw who was the commander of the army and white man is finally seen been buried with his mean without shoes. The failed attack that happened in 1863 at Battery Wagner was an indication of victory that the evil of racism and discrimination had finally been worn. The movie shows how the confederates were defeated paving way for a new dawn of freedom that left people with a deep sense of national pride.

Do the characters appear to be wrestling with or challenging any labor theories we have discussed in class?
The characters in this movie seem to be challenging some labor theories such as that of the Labor Theory of Value. This theory acknowledges that in capitalism, employees are overworked for less pay so that the employers could maximize their profits. The movie seems to be conflicting with this theory since it seen to advocate for equality in the treatment of workers. All the workers should be treated the same irrespective of their color, origin, language or races. The movie shows that the black American soldiers did enjoy equal rights with their white counterparts. This not only affected their productivity but also made them fight for justice. Therefore, the movie characters advocate for fair pay of workers according to their contribution but not discriminated on the basis of their color and races.

Identify the technical use of camera angles, music or other filmmaking methods you find particularly effective (or not so effective) to carry the story through to the end.
There is one thing that I found interesting the movie uses the soundtrack. As I watched the film, the soundtracks were enjoyable than anything else. They were fairly accurate. The images were also clear and showed everything depending on the direction of the camera.

Would you recommend this film to other courses? Which ones? Why or why not?
Yes, I would recommend the film to a few courses. This movie is crucial for people studying law and those who may want to settle historical injustices in the courts. It addresses discrimination and racism that existed for ages. The movie is good for librarians who may want to classify information on racism and discrimination. The movie is useful for people studying political science so that they can pass legislation that will address the problem of racism and discrimination effectively. This course will benefit a lot from the knowable that one gains from watching the movie.

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