Finding focus in a qualitative study
Order Instructions:
The writer will read the article and then will carefully respond to the two main questions raise here below. It is important that the writer read carefully the questions and also the section of the article require for the information needed. The writer must also cite all references listed in the reference section, meaning the writer cannot just include a reference on the reference list without using it within the body of the paper. The writer must also include all DOI where necessary and follow proper APA style in formatting the paper.
Finding More Focus in a Qualitative Study
You must always consider the research method you plan to use when collecting your data. This can have an impact on how you proceed. The five research approaches can vary in the variety of information collected, the scope of the issues, and the invasiveness of the data collection effort.
• Using the qualitative article assigned to you last week. Review the methodology section and compare and contrast the design and the method with the information you have learned from the Creswell course text.
• Analyze and discuss the recursive relationship between research methods and data collection techniques and how that can help to bring focus to your study.
I will re-email the article for this paper. confirm when you have it
Course Texts
Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches
•Chapter 6, “Introducing and Focusing the Study”
This chapter addresses the problem statement, the purpose statement, and the research questions, which are three main components related to introducing and focusing a qualitative study.
•Chapter 7, “Data Collection”
This chapter explores the many components of the data collection process and states that the method of data collection can vary depending on the research method used.
Case Study Research: Design and Methods
•Chapter 2, “Designing Case Studies: Identifying Your Case(s) and Establishing the Logic of Your Case Study” (pp. 46–65)
This reading describes four types of designs for case studies.
•Chapter 3, “Preparing to Collect Case Study Evidence: What You Need to Do Before Starting to Collect Case Study Data”
Preparing for data collection is an important part of your research. Depending on the scope of a case study, the undertaking may be clear-cut or complex. This chapter explores the different types of case studies you may encounter.
American Psychological Association, (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
(Note: You should have received this reference text for a previous course. The APA Publication Manual will be used as a resource throughout this program.)
•Chapters 4–-6
Read and understand “The Mechanics of Style,” “Displaying Results,” and “Crediting Sources.”
Finding more focus in a qualitative study
Qualitative methodology was the research methodology of choice employed in the article. The research method utilizes general open-ended questions that do not formulate a hypothesis. On the contrary, quantitative research method applies close-ended questions that are structured concerning a set of hypotheses. Also, qualitative methods structure the questions with words while quantitative methods encompass numeric values. The fundamental concept studied in the study is the attributes that define ethical business decision making. The relevance of the qualitative methodology to the study was because the qualitative nature of the objective of the study that was to explore life experiences of the participants.
Interviewing the members with open-ended questions provided a detailed study beyond an ordinary conversation thus makes this form of research methodology more appropriate for the study. This methodology is applicable when the researcher tries to find out and highlight emotions and bring texture to a research project.
The research design applied in the study is phenomenological, a qualitative analysis of narrative data. This model is employed when describing themes, meaning of findings and general lived experiences of the study participants. The application in the study was to allow a deeper understanding of the nature and causes of a leader’s tendency to behave in an ethical manner and to make moral decisions. While collecting data in the phenomenological study, the participants description of the experience or occurrence is obtained by use of an in-depth interview, observation, oral or written self-report and through aesthetic expressions such as narratives. After the analysis of the data, a report is then written which has a proper description of the experience. Interpretation is based on the data collected and the researcher’s perspective.
Other qualitative research designs such as ethnography are applied when conducting a study that concerns the cultural characteristics a group of people or a certain cultural scene. Case study research is another approach to qualitative research that gives a detailed description of one or a few instances. Grounded theory is another approach used to generate a theory from raw data or to test an earlier grounded theory (Creswell, 2009).The data collection method vary according to the type of research design employed.
In quantitative studies, ideas are generated which are further be used to formulate the realistic hypothesis that can be statistically analyzed and comprehensively tested with standard quantitative research methods. Quantitative research designs, unlike the qualitative research design, use standard formulas of generating a hypothesis to be accepted or rejected. The hypothesis has to be proved statistically. It is the basis around which the research design is formulated. Mathematical methods of data collection are employed (Creswell, 2009).
The relationship between research methods and data collection techniques.
The process of data collection involves measuring and assembling information on the variables of interest following an organized way that ensures evaluation of the results of research or study. Choice of the method of data collection depends on the method used in research method applied. A qualitative research design will employ qualitative data collection method while quantitative research design will utilize quantitative data collection method.
Qualitative research data collection methods either involve direct interaction with individuals in a group or individually. These methods include standard features such as they are open-ended and have lesser structured procedures, they rely on deeper and more interactive interviews so as to acquire detailed and reliable data.; observations, action research, individual interviews, focus groups and document review (Vogt, 2010). To begin with,observation this involves the researcher becoming the observer of the participants in a natural setting to facilitate the understanding of the phenomena. The researcher will utilize methods such as note taking, description reports, photographs for instance of buildings and video recording
Another method of qualitative data collection is by use of interviews that could either be depth or in-depth.Qualitative interviews are informal and involve thought, adequate preparation and development of a schedule. The researcher may formulate the interview questions based on the research topic and the interviewee. Coverage of the issues is thus detailed and efficient. (Vogt, 2010) The interview questions can be unstructured, semi-structured also known as focused interviews or structured.
Focus groups that are group interviews consisting of 6-10 individuals enhance the capturing of participant emotions perceptions and opinions. Focus groups are utilized when resources required to carry out the research are inadequate and when the collective discussion is essential for the phenomena under study. The advantage of this method is that with the dynamic nature of the group greater understanding of the cause and the subject matter may be developed.
On the other hand, Quantitative data collection methods involved random sampling and structured data collection mechanisms that are appropriate for the preset response groups. Since quantitative research is concerned with hypothesis testing.Depending on the research question, the participants are randomly assigned to different treatments. Also data may be collected depending on participant and situational characteristics. The main quantitative research data collection techniques include; questionnaires, observations, interviews. Quantitative representation may involve the use of a checklist recording the presence, frequency and incidence of predetermined scenarios. Although it is time-consuming, this method provides valuable insights and fine details of how the participants behave and interact.
Questionnaires are used to collect uniform data from several people. They consist of the same number and set of questions that are then used to get information from a carefully selected or randomized sample of people. The questionnaires can then filled in by the participant or asked in a formal way by the researcher. Questionnaire questions should have the elements of simplicity, precision to make the process of data analysis easier and more efficient.
The quality and reliability of data is fundamental in defining the end results of any research or study.Therefore, it is important to choose the method according to the respective research design. Every research methodology confers to a particular and appropriate method of data collection. Qualitative research is mainly based on exploring opinions ideas and underlying reasons. It helps develop a hypothesis for quantitative research. Quantitative research provides a way of generating useful statistics from numerical data using quantifiable variables.
References, (2015). Baltimore County Public Schools. Retrieved 15 September 2015, from
Creswell, J. (2009). Research design. Los Angeles: Sage.
Jensenius, F. (2014). The Fieldwork of Quantitative Data Collection. P.S.: Political Science & Politics, 47(02), 402-404. doi: 10.1017/s1049096514000298
Vogt, W. (2010). Data collection. Los Angeles: SAGE.
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