Fire events

Fire events

Provide at least two (2) fire events that have occurred within the last 10 years that have sparked public outcry for change, and discuss the following items: What were the changes that were made and who was responsible for making those changes?


Provide at least two (2) fire events that have occurred within the last 10 years that have sparked
public outcry for change, and discuss the following items:

What were the changes that were made and who was responsible for making those

Were those changes effective? Explain why or why not.

Provide a Biblical perspective on the events being discussed and the decisions made by
key stakeholders both during the events and thereafter in response to the events.
Please include as part of your submission, the appropriate citation for your article(s).
Comments and discussion must be supported with clear examples and numerous citations
from required reading, presentations, and at least 2 additional sources.

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