First language acquisition Essay Assignment

First language acquisition
   First language acquisition

First language acquisition

* For this assignment, you can use either an article from a professional journal or a chapter from a book dealing with first language acquisition. Please, do not consider using a textbook.
* Some of the journals that deal with language acquisition include the following:
– Language Acquisition
– Language Learning & Technology
– Language in Society
– Language Learning
– Modern Language Journal
– Bilingualism
– Bilingual Review
* To find books that deal with language acquisition, you can either go to the UFV library, or search online databases, or search the online library collection.

Professional literature review instructions

* Include bibliographic information (author, title, publisher, place of publishing, date, volume, issue, URL). Use the MLA format.
* In the introduction, provide a brief overview of the source, e.g.,

  •  organization;
  • the intended audience;
  • the aspect of language acquisition the source deals with;
    o the extent of coverage;
    o special features;

* In the body of your paper, review relevant information from your source and evaluate the source (the strengths, weaknesses, interesting ideas, …).
* In the conclusion, summarize your findings and include a recommendation (relevance/usefulness).
* Your review should be about 2 pages (about 500 words) long.
* Double-space your review; use font Times 12; set margins to 1” on all sides.
* Please, do not include a cover page.

The article to be used is : Linguistic variation and micro-cues in first language acquisition by Marit Westergaard (University of Tromsø)

Westergaard, Marit. “Linguistic Variation and Micro-Cues in First Language Acquisition.” Linguistic Variation, vol. 14, no. 1, Jan. 2014, pp. 26–45. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1075/lv.1 4.1.02wes.

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