Food Insecurity Discussion
The discussion this week requires that you first watch the video
documentary “A Place At the Table“.
“The film explains with devastating simplicity why so many go hungry in a country with more than enough food to go round.” — London Evening Standard
“How can you be both hungry and obese? It’s a paradox that more and more people in the United States are beginning to understand, and a question that’s convincingly answered in Finding North, A PROVOCATIVE DOCUMENTARY about hunger within America’s own borders.” — Press+
The 90 minute documentary has been broken into 4 separate clips to make it easier to view and download.
You should watch all four and then respond to the following questions:
*According to the film, one in six Americans says they don’t always have enough to eat.
Were you aware that hunger was such a big problem in the United States?
Explain. Was there a particular character whose story you found especially compelling? How so? Be specific.
*What did you learn from the film that you did not
already know?
*What steps do you think the hospitality industry could take to assist with the problem of Food Insecurity?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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