Food Matters Essay Assignment Paper

Food Matters Essay
Food Matters Essay

Food Matters Essay

The book Food Matters Second Edition by Holly Bauer
Peter Singer “Equality for animals” (Food Matters) page (212-216)
Bill McKibben ” the only way to have cow” (Food Matters) page (229-232)

Its an open prom/Your essay must include an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement; supporting three body paragraphs; and a conclusion. your only source should be the book mention above and the number of pages that it nothing outside. (intro, 3 bodies ,conc)

the due date will change he need a draft due on that date and than the final paper will due on Mar/27
So I will change the date so you will have more time to work on the essay.

What does it mean to eat ethically? While larger political, cultural, and socio-economic factors may play a significant role in determining what we eat, we do make our own food choices. And thus, what we eat is at least partially a moral choice, whether we are cognizant of it or not. What are our ethical responsibilities when we make food choices? Does it matter ?morally ? what we choose to eat? What does it mean to eat ethically? What moral principles should guide our food choices and ways of eating? The authors in this section offer varied and sometimes conflicting views on the responsibilities and obligations we necessarily take on when we make dietary choices. They offer a range of potential responsibilities social, political, personal, environmental, spiritual, global. And they make suggestions about what principles and priorities should affect our ethical obligations related to food. Consider what it means to declare that eating is necessarily a moral act. Then select a set of readings that contribute to a conversation about the particular aspect of the ethics of eating that you would like to explore and about which you have something to say. Make an argument in which you join this conversation.

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