Forbidden Archeology

According to Michael Cremo, human existed over 150000 years ago or probably millions of years ago. According to his research, he used megalithic structures to show that human existed 150000 years ago. For instance, he used Hampi, India and Osaka walls in Japan. Michael also used Paleoliths, old stones to show human existence millions of years ago. He also uses the writings on walls to show that human life existed many years ago and a speech by Michael Faraday 150000 supports his analogy. Archeological evidence in Hueyatlaco, Mexico was discovered with human artifacts, of 250000 years ago. He believes that the footprints are for human showing that human existed 1.3 million years ago. Besides, he used Buenos Aires Skull to show that human pre-ensanadan formation existed 1.5 million years ago (Cremo 30). 

Cremo’s Methodology

Cremo used secondary data in order to obtain his evidence that human existed millions of years ago. Therefore, the methodology is an analysis of secondary data or findings from other archeologists. Cremo uses examples of archeological evidence such as the findings in Hueyatlaco, Mexico of human footprints and Buenos Aires Skull showing pre-ensanadan formation (Cremo 30). 

Primary and Secondary Literature

Primary literature is the physical object which was created or written during study time, which is a result of initial scientific research or observation such as footprints. Secondary literature is the analysis and interpretation of primary sources. The primary literature discusses the direct and firsthand evidence on history and existence of human life and includes artifact and pictures (Cremo 30). 

Secondary Texts

Cremo’s opinion about secondary texts do not contain evidence of extreme human antiquity because secondary texts lack the primary record immediacy and they include information is already analyzed, processed, interpreted and commented in such a manner to alter the originality of information (Cremo 30). 

Primary Texts

It is valid that primary texts both present and past provide evidence of extreme human antiquity. This is because they provide firsthand and direct evidence about work of art and events of human history. 

Historian of Science

I agree with Oldroyd claims. This is because there is a significant problem regarding the lack of assurance in scientific truth. It is evident that most of the claims are unfounded and present real assumption of human existence over the years, considering that Cremo uses other people’s archeological findings, which are scientifically not proven (Cremo, 2012, p.13). 

Virginia SteenMclntyre

The self-publishing by Virginia SteenMclntyre and his team findings of an archeological site near Pueblo, Mexico was rejected and job losses for going against the university rules. They independently published the findings and received a backlash from colleagues and lost a job and her career was finished. According to Cremo, the work was rejected because it contradicts the theory of the archaeologist that human never existed 250000 years ago (Cremo 30). 

Modern human Anatomic

According to Cremo’s research, the anatomically modern human beings’ presence can be traced in Europe. This is according to the traces of man in the Crag or shell of human face discovered by Henry Stopes in 1881.  The basis is that the red crag existed in Europe 2-3 million years ago. Jacques discovered a human skull in Abbeville, France. Critics argued that the information was not accurate and no traces of human existence at that time (Cremo 30). 

Pre-ensanadan formation

The pre-ensanadan formation is the formation that is beneath the volcanic rock that led to the discovery of human skull. At that time, the human skull was discovered.

Han Reck’s finding at the Olduvai Gorge

Reck skeleton was discovered in Olduvai with a variety of ape-men including the Homo habilis. He discovered a human skeleton between 1.15 and 1.77 million years old of human remains in the early 1930s. Reiner Protsch was a German scientist who used carbon 14 dating to determine the age of the skeleton. He believes the bone fragments’ samples were not authenticated and were on a third of the standard sample. The sample was probably contaminated by carbon 14. Protsch findings should be discredited due to his questionable character and competence (Cremo 30).  

Human Jaw

The fossil human jaw born was discovered at Suffolk by Robert. The findings were human jaw born found to exist 2-3 years old in Suffolk, Ipswich. This was significant evidence showing the existence of human live 2-3 million years ago (Cremo 30). 

Mary Leaky

In 1979, Mary Leaky announced footprints at Laetoli, Tanzania. She believes that the Laetoli footprints are indistinguishable from human footprints. Other scientists supported her discovery because the footprints resemble modern human footprints. Critics argue that the footprints were found by a volcanic hill 3.7 million years old and scientist and Leaky believe that no human existed approximately million years ago (Cremo 30). 

Italy and Human Skull

An anatomically modern human skull was discovered in Castenedolo, Italy in the late 19th century, by Ragazzoni. It was a reasonably complete anatomically modern human skull, and the original place was relocated. Some scientists have found a rock over 4 million years old, and 400 years ago intrusive burial was made. He claims the layers above the skeleton were intact and was 4 million years old (Cremo 30). 

California Gold Mine

The California Gold Mines discovered human bones and human artifacts in the 19th century. The findings were found to belong to the early years of EAC, 15 million years old. William Holmes was the anthropologist who discovered and analyzed these findings by a gold mine. The scientist believes that the findings should not have published if the facts do not fit the theory. This meant that the artifacts were wrong. Cremo aligns these findings by doing secondary analysis by getting pictures to support the evidence. The FCC was involved in publications and making the discovery more authentic (Cremo 30). 

Ape Man

There is archeological evidence consistent with many findings that humanity has existed in other many shapes. He believes that evidence does not show that anatomically modern humans of so-called ape-man. This view contradicts the academic mainstream of human evolution from ape to modern human. 

Vedic Perspective and Modern Scientific Perspective

In the Vedic perspective, an answer is given by a Vedic concept through creativity. Moreover, it uses an all-pervading field of intelligence, life force, and consciousness. Modern Scientific Perspective is a generative process that occurred to influence neurological or biological systems.

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