Forensic Psychology-PTSD Assignment

Forensic Psychology-PTSD
Forensic Psychology-PTSD

Forensic Psychology-PTSD

Write 3 pages long EXCLUDING the cover page and reference page.

This week, we focused on PTSD/BWS/RTS next week we are covering Sexual abuse and recovered memory. You are to find a criminal case/story from the news feeds (BIll Cosby is one option, John Bobbit case is another, The Manendez Brothers is another…these are just suggestions and examples to give you an idea of what to look for).

I want you to write a paper about the issue at the core of those cases, pick a side and defend it. You’ll find such cases will not only link to this week’s topic but also to the previous temporary insanity topic we covered earlier. There is no right or wrong. I want you to

  1. give your opinion on the matter/ pick a side
  2. why you believe as you do
  3. tell me how you would proceed in uncovering the truth
  4. use information we have covered in the text to support your views and ideas.

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