Gender Issues in Saudi Arabia Essay Paper

Gender Issues in Saudi Arabia
Gender Issues in Saudi Arabia

Gender Issues in Saudi Arabia

Each student is expected to develop a 4 – 6 page paper (excluding title page and reference page) examining a current global health issue. This assignment is considered a formal paper with proper documentation of references with in-text citations. You may choose an issue/topic from the list or one you identify. If choosing a different topic, please email the issue to be sure it fits the focus of this assignment.

The paper should include the following elements:

a. Introduction of the issue – Identification and overview of the country and the issue.

b. Impact of the issue on health and healthcare ñ impact of the issue in one country (not the United States). Include the population most affected by the issue and the magnitude of the impact. Share an example of a situation in which this issue affects individuals or groups.

c. Impact of the issue on health and healthcare delivery in the United States – impact of the issue in the US overall or in a local area. Include the population most affected by the issue and the magnitude of the impact. Share an example of a situation in which this issue affects individuals or groups.

d. Comparison of impact – Compare the impact in the United States and a country outside the United States.

e. Impact of the issue from discipline perspective ñ Discuss the impact in your practice or from the perspective your practice. Include an example of a situation you have experienced or a potential situation in which the issue impacts the provider or recipients of care/service.

f. Ethical considerations – address ethical considerations. Apply ethical principles as discussed in the resources posted on Blackboard.

g. Responses – Identify specific solutions or responses to this issue. These may include political action, professional action, changes in healthcare delivery, or some other type of response.

h. Summary – Information presented should be summarized.

i. References – Use at least 5 additional current references. The references should be used to support positions throughout the paper. References must be cited in the text of the paper and a complete reference list in APA format.

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