General intervention model Assignment

General intervention model
General intervention model

General intervention model

Case study Paper

The student will write one strong paragraph that will address each of the practice behavior related to a stage of the general intervention model (engagement, assessment, intervention, evaluation)

The student will use the following case scenario to complete the assignment

Case scenario

Timmy, age 6, is an extroverted little boy who has been exhibiting the following:

Frequent nightmares

Sophisticated sex play with other children

Rage when asked to do a simple task by foster mother

Daydreaming in class

He has been the same foster home for the last 3 years. It appears to be a stable environment and he has successfully bonded with his foster mother, his primary care provider

Engage with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities

-use theories of human development to facilitate engagement at the micro, mezzo and macro levels

-use empathy, reflection, and interpersonal skills to engage diverse clients

-use critical thinking skills to engage clients at the micro, mezzo and macro levels

Asses individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities

-explain how theories of human development facilitate assessment at the micro, mezzo and macro levels

-use critical thinking when collecting information

-develop mutually agreed on intervention goals and objectives based on strengths, needs and challenges

-identify appropriate intervention strategies based on assessment, research knowledge, values and preferences of clients

Intervene with Individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities

-use critical thinking and evidence informed interventions to help achieve mutually identified goals

-use theories of human development to facilitate interventions at the micro, mezzo and macros levels

-facilitate effective transitions and endings that advance mutually agreed on goals

-negotiate, mediate and advocate with and on behalf of diverse clients

4.Evaluate practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities.

-apply qualitative and quantitative methods for evaluation of outcomes

-use theories of human development to facilitate evaluative outcomes at micro, mezzo and macro levels

-use critical thinking to analyze, monitor and evaluate intervention and outcomes

-apple evaluation finding to improve practice effectiveness at the micro, mezzo and macro levels

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