Genetically Modify Wine Yeast Hypothesis

Genetically Modify Wine Yeast Hypothesis overexpression of GDP1 gene combined with deletion of ALD6 gene in wine yeast strain can decrease the yield of alcohol production throughout the winemaking process.

Genetically Modify Wine Yeast Hypothesis
Genetically Modify Wine Yeast Hypothesis

Experimental design: by overexpressing GDP1 gene which is primarily responsible for encoding isozymes glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, the yield of glycerol production will increase significantly and enhanced acetic acid production which results in decreased ethanol yield. However, in order to reverse the negative impact of a high concentration of acetic acid, we will delete the ALD6 gene which encodes for aldehyde dehydrogenase. For mass production of lactic acid, we newly constructed a transgenic wine yeast strain that included six copies of the bovine l-lactate dehydrogenase gene on the genome.

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