Geography, World Powers Assignment Paper

Geography, World Powers
Geography, World Powers
Geography, World Powers

Geography, World Powers

Since World War II, the United States has often been placed No. 1 in world rankings of various kinds. With the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the United States was often referred to as the sole remaining superpower. As the twenty-first century proceeds, however, the position of the United States at the top of the rankings is being questioned.

What considerations, measures, and weightings do you think should be used in devising such rankings?

Use your method to devise two rankings of the top three political states for:

1) a century of your choice before the twentiethcentury (1800’s or before)

2) the likely ranking by the end of the twenty-first century (2000’s)

Instructions for preparing your paper:

(1) The first paragraph should be an introduction with a thesis statement that directly answers the question.

(2) The middle paragraphs should make up the body. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence and at least five detail sentences. Include interesting and informative supporting facts and examples in your own words to demonstrate a full understanding of the topic and support your thesis. Include documented personal experience from a primary source.

(3) The final paragraph should summarize your research and applications as they relate to your thesis in your conclusion.

Your paper (essay) must:

Use APA formatting in 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, double-spaced
Include parenthetical in-text citations
At least one of your sources must be a primary source
Be formal in tone. Do not use personal pronouns (I, me, you, etc.) or contractions
Include your name at the top page of your document or create an APA title page

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