Graphic Organisation Paper Available

Graphic Organisation Paper
Graphic Organisation Paper

Graphic Organisation Paper

Graphic Organisation Paper

Order Instructions:

A graphic organizer is a visual representation of how concepts or components in a system relate to each other. A goal of this course is to develop an easy reference of the forms and function of assessments in a graphical format that makes the most sense to you. The graphic should evolve as you gather more information, so consider how additional elements may be incorporated.
Develop a graphic organizer that features standardized assessments, formative assessments, summative assessments, and self-assessments. The graphic organizer should be a unique creation that reflects your understanding of the variety and multi-functionalities of different assessments.
Provide at least two examples for each assessment.
Describe when it is most appropriate to use each type of assessment. Provide examples and explanations.
Prepare your design as if it would appear on a school district’s staff development website. Make it visually engaging, informative, and interactive.


  Forms and function of assessments


Two examples for each assessment. Most appropriate to use each type of assessment









Achievement Assessments Achievement assessments are created to evaluate how deep and wide a student has acquired in class based on a given area of study. An example includes the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales employed to evaluate the IQ, (Romberg, Wilson and Khaketla, 2011).


Scholastic Aptitude Assessments Types of assessments are developed to evaluate the collective ability to learn and to predict academic performances in the future.  Some of these assessments include the SAT that evaluates the word power or vocabulary terminologies (Stenmark, 2012).











Formative assessments Quizzes These are short directed assessments that present a quantitative data concerning students in terms evaluating the student’s topic comprehension. For instance, in the middle of a unit of algebra, a short contest can be given to ascertain if learners have a grasp of the basics (Stenmark, 2012).


Exit Slips These are tiny papers on which learners are expected to ascribe or react to a query before exiting into another class. For instance, if you read through the responses and notice that student have a firm grasp of the concept, you can advance on. The approach will certainly change if the opposite is the truth (Romberg, Wilson and Khaketla, 2011).













Summative Assessments


Exams Exams are used to quantify what students know and certainly what they do not understand. In addition, they assess learning and also function as a comparison for standards, such as class aggregates. They include scores, which tend to suggest the quality of the curriculum.
Graded Projects Graded projects are used periodically; they however, do not have immediate influence on instructional quality. For instance, if the math educator serves you with an algebra exam towards the end of the semester, he/she may be able to understand your level of comprehension after marking the exam .











Self-assessments Questionnaire Used to evaluate the performance with a view to improving skills and abilities. For instance, if the school want to change using a certain methodological approach in teaching students, a quantitative study can be commissioned where students becomes respondents. The feedback obtained through the questionnaire will help determine if the method should be upheld or not (Romberg, Wilson and Khaketla, 2011).


Survey Used to obtain comprehensive performance appraisal in terms of how a company is fairing on. The feedback helps the company to change business strategy.


Romberg, T.A., Wilson, L. & Mamphono Khaketla (2011). “The Alignment of Six Standardized Tests with NCTM Standards”, an                        unpublished paper, University of Wisconsin-Madison. In Jean Kerr Stenmark (ed; 2010). Mathematics Assessment: Myths,                    Models, Good Questions, and Practical Suggestions. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)

Stenmark, J.K (2012). Mathematics Assessment: Myths, Models, Good Questions, and Practical Suggestions. Edited by. Reston,      Virginia: The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)

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