Gun Right vs Gun Control and the right balance

Gun Right vs Gun Control and the right balance
Gun Right vs Gun Control and the right balance

Gun Right vs Gun Control and the right balance

Write an essay on Gun Control vs Gun Rights and the right balance.

Your assignment is to write a persuasive essay(in two steps, outline and essay proper)in which you take a position on a topic related to the two examples we’re focussing on in the Balancing Rights section of the course. You have some leeway in topic selection, but it might engage in some way or other with an important rights dimension of the chosen issue

Gun Control vs Gun Rights and the right balance

Key Points – Gun Control

  • Gun control is a set of policies that regulate the sale of firearms
  • Only a handful of states require a background check to purchase a firearm
  • There are many loopholes that can be found in order to sell a gun to someone without conducting a background check
  • One in five firearm purchases are done without a proper background check on the buyer
  •  It is said that someone who is mentally disturbed cannot purchase a weapon, although many of the mass shootings that have occurred in the recent years have been carried out by people who were described by people closest to them as mentally ill.

Key Points – Gun Rights

  • The second amendment says that ìa well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringedî. Therefore this says that peopleís rights to keep and bear firearms will not be breached.
  • firearm, there are arguments that if they were not allowed to own a firearm there would be less gun violence.


A balance between gun rights and control is something that I believe would slow down gun violence in the United States. If it were more of a difficult task to purchase a firearm, and there were regulations that made it so not just anyone could get a gun, there would not be as many gun casualties. This has evidently not been reached in the United States due to the fact that basically anyone can purchase a firearm, there are said laws that look like gun control, although there are loopholes that are legal, and easy to use in order to get around said laws.

Point 1:

More gun control laws would reduce gun deaths. Guns have been the leading cause of homicide in the United States between 1999 and 2013. About 200 americans to go the emergency room due to gunshot wounds every day. In states that allow the right to carry, gun deaths have gone up compared to states that do not give their citizens the right to carry a firearm.

This is a valid point, with insane numbers. Gun deaths should not be the leading cause of homicide in a country where they allow their people to own firearms, and something should be done in order to rectify that issue.

Point 2:

Guns are almost never used in self defense situations. Out of the almost 30 million crimes committed between 2007 and 2011 235,000 of those 30 million people protected themselves with the threat of or use of a firearm.

Guns in the United States are largely used for crimes that involve violence, and the only way of stopping that is by stopping firearms.

Point 3:

Legally owned guns are often stolen to be used by criminals. Almost all guns that are used illegally in criminal acts are stolen.If guns were not allowed to be purchased it would keep a lot of guns off the street in the hands of bad people.

If people were not able to purchase guns, it would be a lot harder for people to get their hands on firearms. If people had to keep their guns in locked cabinets or safes, they would also be less prone to being stolen….

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