Health Information and Data Portal

Health Information and Data Portal Question 1
Look at these websites and answer the following questions:
Note the first 2 websites go together – one is a FAQ page and the other is the actual reports. (Information page about the CIHI portal) (data reports) (look around the website, all the menus & links).

Health Information and Data Portal
Health Information and Data Portal

1. What is a health data portal (HDP)?
2. What is the purpose/why would you use a portal?
3. Compare the two websites.
a) What is the same about each portal?
b) What is different?
c) Describe one unique feature of each.
d) Which site do you prefer, and why?

Question 2
Read the indicated articles and provide a summary of the following questions (in your own words):
1. Define Activity Based Funding (elaborate)
2. Define Global Budget (elaborate)
3. Summarize your understanding of the 3 Activity Based Funding models and indicate the pros & cons of each one.
4. How do CMGs play a role in Activity Based Funding?  What is your opinion on using CMGs in this type of funding?
5. Why is the quality of coding so important in this methodology?
6. Activity based funding vs Patient level costing?  Refer back to HIMII 201 Lessons 31 & 32  (Take note of Variable & Fixed costs)

Question 3 Health Information and Data Portal and Internet Review

Review the internet and search ABF (Activity Based Funding) for the provinces in Canada.

Provide me with the names of the provinces, and a summary (in your words) for each of them, that describes something about their adoption of ABF (perhaps when they started, any date milestones they hit, how they adopted it, types of programs/care types they use it for, etc.).  Also provide the links to each document you referenced to find this information.  This assignment can be in table format or a written paper.
Question 4
This assignment is focused on regionalization of health care in Canada.  For this assignment, you are to research regionalization in 2 provinces other than your own.
A. You must provide/identify the provincial structure (meaning list the different health regions/authorities in the province) AND the links to your source documents. THEN,
B. Pick one regional structure from each province (for example you would choose Vancouver Coastal Health for BC instead of BC Health, or Toronto Central LHIN instead of Ontario as a whole), and answer the following questions.
1. Are each of the following services part of the regional service (Y/N):
1. Long Term Care
2. Pediatric Care
3. Cancer Care
4. Mental Health Services
5. Community Care
2. Regarding the Regional board:
1. Are members appointed, or elected, or a combination of both on the Board?  If appointed, by whom? If elected, by whom?
2. Is a member of the public on the board?
3. Does the Board allocate the funding (other than physician payments and drug costs) to facilities?
3. Identify and explain one benefit and one drawback to the specific regional structure selected.
Your answer should not exceed 2 pages.
Remember to include the name of the regional authority AND the links to the information you provide.

Question 5 Health Information and Data Portal Assignment Guidelines

This assignment is focused on understanding Impact Analysis.  Answer either question 1 or 2.

Question 1
Scenario: You are the Data Analyst for the provincial Department of Health.   Up until 2015, Zika virus did not have its own ICD 10-CA code;  effective 2016, a new code exists for Zika.
Assignment:    Discuss the impact that this change will have on provincial reporting, and on disease monitoring and tracking.  Consider the impact on managing the health of the population.

Question 2
Scenario:  You are the Data Analyst for the provincial Department of Health.   Because of the provincial wait-times in Orthopaedics, the provincial government has actively supported the recruitment of additional Orthopaedic surgeons.  Sunshine General Hospital has recruited a new Ortho Surgeon who specializes in knee replacements, bringing their total number of Orthopods to 3.   Discuss how the addition of this resource will impact both the organization and the management of the wait list.

Your answer should not exceed 500 words

Question 6
Use the internet and any other resources you find (Ministry of Health websites, CMG materials, etc)
1. Describe your province’s funding formula for acute care facilities/health authorities. This means “how is your province funded”? I am not looking for a specific mathematical formula.
2. Does the funding formula rely on CMG or CACS grouping methodologies (case costing)? Explain in your own words how the grouping methodology/case costing impacts the healthcare funding mechanisms of your province.
3. Compare the use of case costing/patient focused funding versus block funding (what are they, similarities/differences, reasoning, etc.).
4. From question 3, which do you prefer, and why?

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