Healthcare Finance Essay Assignment

Healthcare Finance
Healthcare Finance

Healthcare Finance


  • The examination will be graded based on 100 points, although the examination is worth 15% of your total grade for the course.
  • No late examinations will be accepted without permission from Professor Burghardt.
  • All answers must be typed and doubled spaced. You must leave a 1 inch margin at the left and right side of your pages. You may not use a font larger than 12 points. You cannot use outside sources. You must include page numbers of text material.
  • You must cite all material used (except class PowerPoint material), using the APA method.
  • You must type the question you are answering, before you answer the question.
  • You must clearly identify the parts of each question you are answering.
  • Every examination is an English examination; grammar, spelling and sentence structure will be included in the grading of your answers.
  • You must write in complete sentences. You should not use colloquialisms.
  • You must use clear examples to show that you understand the question and the answer. All examples must be health care examples.
  • You must explain terms being used.

If you do not follow the above instructions, your grade will be reduced proportionately.

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