Health Hazard Evaluation Program; Healthcare

Health Hazard Evaluation Program
Health Hazard Evaluation Program

Health Hazard Evaluation Program

Order Instructions:

Write a 1-2 page (not including title and reference) paper in 6th edition APA format. Go to the Health Hazard Evaluation program website.(
What is the purpose of this program? How would information from the website be used in a disease investigation?


Healthcare: Health Hazard Evaluation Program

The U.S federal government initiated the Health Hazard Evaluation Program with the aim of promoting health safety in workplaces (NIOSH, 2009). The program gives people a platform on which they would contact experts in NIOSH to evaluate their working places and determine health safety levels (CDC, 2015). The program aims at providing a fast and timely care, and the staff members exploit fast means of communication such as phones to respond to the requests of their clients (CDC, 2015). NIOSH offer recommendation to employers and employees for the appropriate measures to exploit for optimal health safety in their workstations. The program is government sponsored, and it purposes to promote the wellness of the society without any financial interest. The institution also aims at providing safety evaluation care to all interested persons, and it maximizes on informing the community about its services (CDC, 2015). The program also promotes the knowledge of people by allowing them access information from a variety of past evaluations.

Information from the program applies to disease investigation. The program offers information concerning the risk of employers and employees to diseases in their environment. It has established the level of risks that different groups express in their workplaces (CDC, 2014). Such information is of use when seeking measures to protect employees and employers from ailments that occur in workplaces. The program links stakeholders such as health professionals, regulatory agencies, and community wellness groups (NIOSH, 2009). It offers information that would prevent the occurrence of hazards (NIOSH, 2009). The information also earns relevance in handling most diseases owing to its updated nature. NIOSH conducts evaluations on the ground, and its information is reliable, relevant, and suitable to the current time. Stakeholders also use information from the agency to make modifications that reduce the occurrence of occupational ailments (NIOSH, 2009).


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2014). 2014 Annual Report. Retrieved from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2015). Health Hazards Evaluations. Retrieved from

National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. (2009). National Academies NIOSH Program Review: Health Hazard Evaluations. CDC. Retrieved from

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