History Major Annotated Bibliography Essay The Word limit is 2000 words; Including a 200 word Annotated Bibliography.

The aim of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to conduct research on a question of historical importance. Objectives: This assignment assesses the following objectives: . recognise, define, and use the essential terminology of socio- historical analysis in a global context. . discuss, briefly, the main events, places and people in the development of world history in the defined period. discuss, briefly, the main events, places and people in the development of world history in the defined period . describe the broad parameters of the major empires and states in the defined period. . demonstrate competency in writing skills, bibliography and documentation in the History discipline. History Major Annotated Bibliography Essay
History Major Annotated Bibliography Essay Question
The question i am answering is: Examine the nature of Ottoman power in the post- 1500 period. Why did the Ottoman Empire fail to remain a world power?. I also need Integration of at least 8 Scholarly Secondary peer viewed journals, books, articles from between 203- 2017. No internet sources please!. As i am an Australian student, I would like Ebscohost Scholarly sources included in the 8 sources/references please. i have asked for 8 sources/references in my order. History Major Annotated Bibliography Essay Could you please make the total number of words; as mentioned above; to be either 50 words over or 50 words under; it’s just because i would love to get the best possible marks!, If i go to far under or over the word limit i will be penalised; and therefore lose valuable marks. For four of my listed sources, i must provide a short (50- 100 word) Annotation describing my source and assessing its usefulness and relevance for writing my essay. History Major Annotated Bibliography Essay