History of film
Your post should be approximately 300-500 words and should engage with the readings and at least one film from this specific class meeting. This response should function as your opportunity to critically engage with the readings and films in a more thorough manner.
Some possible approaches to this assignment might include expanding on the following questions:
- How does/do the film(s) exemplify the arguments presented within the article(s)?
- How does/do the film(s) challenge some of the central arguments of the article(s)?
- How might the historical context have influenced both the film(s) in question and/or the claims made by the author(s) of the chosen texts?
- How might these films/articles be understood within our contemporary sociopolitical context?
Your response should be your own work and should not simply be a recounting of our class discussion (although expanding on points brought up in class is fine). This response should be posted to Canvas within one week of the class meeting (e.g. posting for the class on 10/23 must be made by our class meeting on 10/30).
We can write this or a similar paper for you! Simply fill the order form!