HIV and Pregnancy among African teens

HIV and Pregnancy among African teens
HIV and Pregnancy among African teens

HIV and Pregnancy among African teens

Order Instructions:

Identify your selected empirical research problem (HIV and Pregnancy among African teen) and the units of analysis. Include support for these units as being reasonable for comparison and how you would avoid the ecological and individualistic fallacies.

Determine two researchable hypotheses based on your research problem (HIV and Pregnancy among African teen). For each hypothesis, identify the independent, dependent, and control variables. Moreover, estimate expected changes in the magnitude and relations between the dependent and independent variables.


HIV and Pregnancy among African teens

Problem Statement

HIV and Pregnancy among African teen rates are constantly increasing as per the international comparison. The problem leads to school dropout, causes future unemployment among the youth, preterm birth and mental disturbances which results into poor mental health.


The objectives of this study are to determine and understand the attitudes and perception of teenagers in Africa concerning early pregnancies in teenagers. The other objective is to determine the understanding of the teenagers concerning sexuality and use of contraceptives to prevent infection of sexually transmitted diseases. This study will contribute to the knowledge concerning HIV and teenage pregnancy in Africa. In addition, the study will pursue the deeper understanding of how the youth perceive early pregnancy and to identify factors in their own view that can prevent this problem.

Researchable hypothesis

  1. The teenagers in Africa do not understand sexuality and use of contraceptives to prevent infection of sexually transmitted diseases.
  2. The teenagers in Africa do not understand the effects of early pregnancies in their own life.

The study will involve qualitative data. The independent variables for the study will include the need to prove fertility, Poor sexual negotiation skills and Poverty.  The dependent variables will include Peer pressure from boyfriends or the social networks, the need to prove one’s fertility and Socio economic factors. The control variables on the other hand will include: Pregnant teenagers, Teenage girls who are aged 16-19 years who have never had who had never been pregnant and Teenagers who had a baby while they were teenagers (Bastien, Leshabari & Klepp , 2009.12).

Expected results

  1. The teenagers being ignorant about the consequences of early pregnancy and of having unprotected sex
  2. The teenagers engage in early sex due to poverty


Bastien S, Leshabari MT, Klepp KI, (2009) Exposure to information and communication about HIV/AIDS and perceived credibility of information sources among young people in northern Tanzania. African Journal of AIDS Research, 2009; 8(2):213–22.

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