Holding onto Old Strategies and Manufacturing Techniques

 Holding onto Old Strategies and Manufacturing Techniques
Holding onto Old Strategies and     Manufacturing Techniques

Eastman Kodak: Holding onto Old Strategies and Manufacturing Techniques – Research Proposal

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LSI Assignment Guidelines

Developing a willingness and ability to engage in self-reflection is a critical leadership skill that is not easily learned yet which reaps many rewards. The LSI enables you to examine your own unique way of thinking and how it influences your behavior.

Your Assignment:

Complete (on your own) the LSI according to the procedure outlined here, so that you end up with your “Life Styles Circumplex” profile: 12 “personal thinking style” scores, one score for each section of the circumplex.

Write a 3–5 page paper examining and explaining your LSI results. There are more details in the table below.

LSI Style Interpretations: Go to the LSI1 Results page, find your circumplex profile, and click on the circumplex “slice” of one of the styles. The site will bring you to a customized interpretation of the style you clicked on. Click on each of the 12 “slices” to see all of the customized style description pages.

How to Use the Inventory

Click here to go to the Life Styles Inventory (LSI) exercise.

Follow the instructions given on the LSI Website.

The content of your LSI paper must include a copy of your LSI results (circumplex and chart) and the following written sections:




Title page Title of your applied research paper, your name, e-mail address, course number and title, instructor, and date.
Personal Thinking Styles 25
Identify your primary and backup thinking styles: What are your “primary” (highest percentile score) and “backup” (second highest percentile) personal thinking styles as shown in your circumplex? Discuss how your primary and backup personal styles are manifested in your life and work (see the LSI Self Development Guide online). Using the style interpretations in the LSI Guide, describe the styles and give your perceptions about the results. Do you agree or disagree with them and why?

Identify your limiting style: Identify and illustrate one style you think might be working against you to reduce your overall effectiveness. Name the style you have chosen, make a few remarks about why you are choosing this style as limiting your professional effectiveness in organizations.

Select one behavior associated with this style that you think you would like to change and the difference it will make. Be sure to support your interpretation with examples, etc.

LSI Style Interpretations: Go to the LSI1 Results page, find your circumplex profile, and click on the circumplex “slice” of one of the styles. The site will bring you to a customized interpretation of the style you clicked on. Click on each of the 12 “slices” to see all of the customized style description pages.

Impact on Management Style 35
What impact do your personal styles have on your management style? Explore and assess the impact of your personal styles on your effectiveness as a manager in terms of the four functions of management:

a. Planning;

b. Organizing;

c. Leading; and

d. Controlling.

If you are currently not a manager, assume you are and predict your effectiveness as such.

Genesis of Personal Style 35 Critically evaluate and explain on how you developed the personal styles that were revealed in your LSI. What role, for example, did family relationships, school, organizational memberships, culture, etc. have in shaping your personal style?
Conclusion and Reflection 25
Think about your LSI results and your responses to the above questions. Summarize any concluding comments. Close your paper with a statement of at least one question or goal you hope your work in MGMT591 will help you to address and comment with a few sentences to describe the value of this exercise to your personal and professional development.

Please note: The LSI Self-Development Guide is integrated into the LSI1 Participant account, and is available after you complete the LSI Survey and have access to your results. In-depth and personalized style descriptions can be found by clicking on the style “slices” of the circumplex. For example, if you would like to learn more about the Humanistic-Encouraging style (Style 1), you simply click on the circumplex “slice” for that style. The same goes for the other 11 styles.

You can find the Challenge of Change and the Self-Improvement Plan information by using two of the additional links that become available in you LSI online account after the survey is complete. These links are “The Challenge of Change” and “Your Self-Improvement Plan.” Good luck with the exercise!

LSI Grading Rubric:



Failed to Meet Minimum Standards

Met Minimum Standards
(60% = 72 pts) D

(70% = 84 pts) C

(80 % = 96 pts) B

(90% = 108 pts) A

Part I: Personal Thinking Styles
(25 Points)

Results not apparent
Mentions style names; does not describe; does not evaluate
17.0 Defines styles; reflects barely adequate information to acquaint the reader with the style’s application
19.5 Contains a focus and provides sufficient detail to set the stage for the analysis but may not support evaluative statements
22.0 Defines styles; validates results; supports impressions; complete information

Part II: Impact On Management Style
(35 Points) No managerial impact apparent
0 Gives examples of behaviors, but does not relate them to the managment functions or the personal styles
21.5 Mentions the management functions with examples or relates to the personal styles, but not both
24.5 Loosely connects management functions and styles; uses vague examples or examples lacking depth of application
28.0 Shows clear connection between styles and their impact on the management styles; uses specific examples
Part III: Genesis of Personal Styles
(35 Points) None provided
0 Too shallow; insufficient depth; provides only one example to support development
21.5 Provides a review of 2–3 supporting experiences; does not relate them to style development
24.5 Loosely connects personal experiences to style results; uses vague examples lacking depth of application
28.0 Gives a clear and focused analysis; uses several specific examples; directly relates experiences to how styles were formed
Part IV: Conclusion and Reflection
(25 Points) No reflective statement or summary offered
0 Perfunctory effort at drawing lessons from the assignment
17.0 One key lesson; no other insights offered
19.5 Good faith effort in discussing the lessons from the assignment; some insights are included
22.0 Well presented insights on how the assignment influenced personal, academic, and professional development; includes statement regarding MGMT591



Holding onto Old Strategies and Manufacturing Techniques

Eastman Kodak: Holding onto Old Strategies and Manufacturing Techniques – Research Proposal

Eastman Kodak is U.S. based technology company, whose main focus is the imaging solutions for individuals and businesses. Its headquarter is in Rochester, New York, and was founded in 1888 by George Eastman. It deals in a range of products under the same line of imaging solutions, including functional printing, packaging, professional imaging services, and graphic communications. Kodak is a leading player in the imaging industry, with other able competitors such as Fujifilm as well as a score of other firms. While its track record is commendable, Kodak is criticized for being slow in adopting new  technological changes. More so, its current CEO is being faulted for not ably addressing the basic internal problem of the company: having an organizational behavior that is bent on old manufacturing techniques, as well as maintaining high operational costs. In this case, I am acting in the capacity of the Organization’s consultant.

The main problem that Eastman Kodak has been facing for years is the organizational culture that refuses to embrace current manufacturing techniques, so that it does not compete ably in the international market, which is flooded with technological gadgets. In the contemporary world, technology has driven the production processes of companies to another level, and all entities are subscribing to this change. However, Kodak has kept hold of most of its old manufacturing techniques, and has not implemented the new changes that have so far emerged. It is projected that since the technology market is one which is fast-developing, a company that does not conform to the current manufacturing and management techniques is sure to be left behind, and receive a considerable drop in its market share.  Thus, the research question for this scenario is: what is the impact of a poor organizational behavior on performance?: A case study of Eastman Kodak.

Eastman Kodak, as has been previously mentioned, was once a market leader in the imaging industry that steered clear of considerable competition. However, with the emergence of new methods of manufacturing, the company has not be able to act swiftly to completely integrate those new techniques. This is a problem that can see the company into total ruins, owing to the rate at which new technology is being introduced each day. Basically, the company has a poor organizational behavior, where it holds on to the outdated styles and techniques, instead of installing new ones. As a consultant, I plan to create an extensive awareness about the importance of the new technologies. Additionally, I plan to identify key layers in the market, and study what they are using. This way, I will provide a realistic suggestion to the company’s management, so that the identified techniques can be implemented. This will initiate a change process, which is expected to begin with the awareness campaign, followed by a recommendation of needed technological advancements, and then organizing the procedure or installation and implementation.

The TOC (Total cost of ownership) that my topic is related to is return on information technology. This TOC is relevant in that the company (Kodak), needs to adopt technology in almost all its processes.  As a consultant, this TCO will be helpful in determining the current customer needs, and tailor goods that meet the require taste and preference.

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