Holistic Nursing Term Paper Available

Holistic Nursing
Holistic Nursing

Holistic Nursing

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Prompt 1

One of the reasons to assess a patient’s thoughts and beliefs about health and illness is to identify any patterns or beliefs that may affect his or her health and healing. How would past experience with cancer in another family member possibly impact a patient’s own health and healing if he/she was diagnosed with cancer? Choose one of AHNA’s core values (body, mind, emotions, spirit, social/cultural, relationship, context, and environment) and discuss how you can care for yourself in that area in order to improve well-being. Use examples from your clinical experience and cite sources from the readings or online library.

Prompt 2

From your clinical experience, provide two examples of healing rituals that your patients from different cultures have utilized to support their health and healing. Give a general description of the rituals including the type of ritual, who performed it, where and how often it was performed, and how the patient believed that it would help him or her to heal. Choose rituals from different cultures. Support your answer with sources from the readings or the online library.



Holistic Nursing

ANHA   outlines five core principles for holistic nursing including; holistic philosophy and ethics, caring process; communication which upholds cultural competency; research and nurse self-care as well as nurse reflection.  For effective patient care in oncology, nurses must understand that self-care is important because it prevents burn out. In this context, I ensure that I have adequate time to nourish my mind, body and spirit.  I take walk in the park to appreciate nature and to meditate at least twice a week.  I also ensure that I surround myself with the right people. I ensure that my diet is balanced and always aim to sleep for at least six hours. This aims at nourishing my spirit, mind and body (Povlsen & Borup, 2011).

There are many rituals which have been practiced in order to improve health. For instance, Tea ceremony which is conducted by Buddhist leader is a ritual common in Hinduism.  The patient must be present and awake when taking the tea. The person is only supposed to focus on the present activities such as warmth from the cup of tea, the aroma and sweetness of the delicacy. The tea has many ingredients which are important in herbal therapy, and its principles are based on meditation. This ceremony is done as often as possible. Smudging ceremony is performed to remove negative energy to help one start a new phase of life. It involves burning of sage, the smoke is believed to send away evil spirit and to bless the area. The activities include drumming and dancing to send evil spirit away. The event is conducted by a healer; it is done in the vicinity of the patient. It is recommended that it should be done regularly to scare demons. After these two rituals, the patients were contented and there was a massive improvement with chemotherapy (Richardson, 2012).


Povlsen, L., & Borup, I. (2011). Holism in nursing and health promotion: distinct or related perspectives? – A literature review. Scandinavian Journal Of Caring Sciences, 25(4), 798-805. doi:10.1111/j.1471-6712.2011.00885.x

Richardson, C. (2012). Witnessing Life Transitions with Ritual and Ceremony in Family Therapy: Three Examples from a Metis Therapist. Journal Of Systemic Therapies, 31(3), 68-78. https://www.doi:10.1521/jsyt.2012.31.3.68

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