Hospitality industry Essay Assignment

Hospitality industry
Hospitality industry

Hospitality industry

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Assignment tittle – Source and use information on the hospitality industry Again case study has two parts each one on 1 page thanks and photos 500 words


Hospitality industry


There are several employment opportunities for hospitality students that entail working in hotels, resorts and clubs, food and beverage industry, catering, facilities management, logistic management, travel and tourism, management consultancy among others (Casado, 2011). They can also work in the entertainment and leisure places such as casinos and theme parks. The roles and functions of persons who work in this industry include event planning and organization, housekeeping, bartenders, facility maintenance, management, marketing, and human resources. The hospitality management is highly interconnected with other industries such as tourism and aviation industry. This is because a good number of persons who utilize hospitality services are tourist and these persons need to fly from one zone to another. The hospitality industry is also interrelated with other industries such as banking and finance, transport, communication among others since their customers need to travel, communicate, and provide financial exchange for their quality services they are being offered. According to Costello and Hogan (2002), the hospitality commercial sector is highly profitable due to a good number of readily available customers. The location of the hospitality industry has a huge role to play in determining the levels of profits and losses realized by the organization. Professionalism is highly needed in this industry since most customers are very sensitive to the nature of the treatment and luxury they are offered.

The hospitality industry is also affected by some legal issues such as consumer protection law that protects the consumers from exploitation the hospitality providers (Larkin, 2009). The law also bases upon the providers of hospitality services the duty of care for all their customers to prevent possible harm. Since hospitality industry brings about people from all corners of the world, the law demands equal employment opportunity to guard against any possible discrimination against any jobseeker in the industry. This is also facilitated by the provisions of anti-discrimination that protects anybody from being exploited in the hotel industry (Hall, 2000).

The hospitality industry is also influenced by a number of ethical issues that guards against how operations are being conducted (Wellace, 2005). Confidentiality is one of the ethical issues that require that some issues needs to be kept secret. The hospitality industry also suffers from commissioning procedures that affects the number of customers that visits their areas of business at any one time. In some cases, especially during the holidays, the hotel industry suffers from overbooking, leading to lots of stress and strain in the manner in which they conduct their businesses. There is also the ethical aspect of price wars between the industry players that may determine the levels of profits or losses realized by the firm. In order to compete effectively, some players resort to free gifts to their customers and this may have negative effects on other players. The ethical aspect of tipping and product recommendations also affects the number of visitors who frequent any hospitality industry.


Maitre ‘D is a very important person in the hospitality industry who is responsible for establishing a connection between the dining halls and the kitchen. Therefore, this person is involved in supervision of the waiting staff, welcoming guests, and ensuring that all the customers are well satisfied with their services. The employment opportunities for Maitre ‘D includes restaurants, lodges, hotels, cruise ships among others. The product he is responsible to make includes mixing salads, boning fish, and flambéing food. The potential clients of Maitre ‘D include everyday customers and important visitors (Patterson, 2008).


In organizing a birthday party, I will ensure that all the invited members are well served with invitation cards to make it formal. I will try to define the dressing code and the time they are expected to arrive in the occasion. I will host the visitors in a premier location where they can feel comfortable and experience nature. A good variety of foodstuffs will be provides so that the entire visitors have a taste of whatever they want. I will then organize for entertainment through live performance of music so that everyone can have a pleasant experience.


Costello, H & Hogan, I. (2002). Codes of ethics in Hospitality and tourism. International Journal of Hospitality Management 2 (4) 243-268

Casado, M.A. (2011). Housekeeping Management. Wiley, end edition

Hall, J. (2000). Ethics in Hospitality Management. Prentice Hall

Pattersn, T. (2008). Ethical dilemma in the hospitality industry, Journal of Travel Research, 36 (4) 47-56

Larkin, E.M. (2009). How to Run a Great Hotel: Everything you need to achieve excellence in the hotel industry. How to books

Wellace, H. (2005). Current issues: Business ethics and tourism: Responsible Management.

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