How Multiculturalism Affect Canada Research Paper

How Multiculturalism Affect Canada Research Paper Contain citations from at least 5 PUBLISHED scholarly articles, include the cover and reference not over 1000 words

How Multiculturalism Affect Canada Research Paper
How Multiculturalism Affect Canada Research Paper

Assignment:  Final How Multiculturalism Affect Canada Research Paper

Using their annotated bibliography, students will prepare a research paper by the end of the description .  The paper will be an essay (up to 1000 words) on a research topic related to the course.

Your final term paper should be up to 1000 words long including cover page and reference list.  It should:

  1. Have a clear purpose and research question
  2. Include an introduction and a conclusion
  3. Contain citations from at least 5 PUBLISHED scholarly articles
  4. Include APA citations and reference list
  5. Follow APA format

Essays longer than 1000 words WILL NOT be accepted. A second chance will be given to the author to shorten the length, but a 10% score will be deducted.

Your final research paper must be submitted in Microsoft Word document ONLY. You have access to Microsoft Office 365 with your York account for free.

How Multiculturalism Affect Canada Research Paper Evaluation Rubric

Task Achievement (TA): (20%)

Ï whether a research question (essay topic) related to the topic of the course is selected.

Ï whether the research question is academically answered by providing proofs and evidence (possibly citations) from at least 5 published (in the past 15 years) scholarly studies.

Organization (Org): (30%)

Ï whether the essay includes a cover page, introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion, and reference list.

Ï whether the essay sticks to (up to) 1000-word limit (including cover page and reference list).

Ï whether the APA style is followed.

Grammatical and Lexical Range and Accuracy (GLRA): (30%)

Ï whether the citations are appropriately paraphrased and/or summarized from the main sources (published scholarly studies).

Ï whether appropriate, accurate, and varied grammatical sentences are used.

Ï whether appropriate, accurate, and varied vocabulary (word form and word choice) are used in the annotations.

How Multiculturalism Affect Canada Research Paper Coherence and Cohesion: (20%)

Ï whether ideas at the idea level (coherence) and ideas at the sentence level (cohesion) are connected to each other.

Essays longer than 1000 words WILL NOT be accepted. A second chance will be given to the author to shorten the length, but a 10% score will be deducted.

Your final research paper must be submitted in Microsoft Word document ONLY. You have access to Microsoft Office 365 with your York account for free.

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