How Procedural Justice influences Affective Commitment How Procedural Justice influences Affective Commitment
Please explain how Procedural Justice (fairness perception) influence Affective commitment by literature review.

you don’t have to explain about what is procedural justice and what is affective commitment. How Procedural Justice influences Affective Commitment (because it has been explained on the chapter 2). just explain how it influences.
How Procedural Justice influences Affective Commitment
Make the direction to procedural justice leads to higher degree of affective commitment. if there is any question please put it on message. please use a good refference for both dimension (Academy of Management, journal of applied psychology, etc.. (it is very important!)) Please explain how Procedural Justice (fairness perception) influence Affective commitment by literature review. you dont have to explain about what is procedural justice and what is affective commitment. (because it has been explained on the chapter 2). just explain how it influences. Make the direction to procedural justice leads to higher degree of affective commitment. if there is any question please put it on message. How Procedural Justice influences Affective Commitment please use a good refference for both dimension (Academy of Management, journal of applied psychology, etc.. (it is very important!)) How Procedural Justice influences Affective Commitment?
Please explain how Procedural Justice (fairness perception) influence Affective commitment by literature review.
you dont have to explain about what is procedural justice and what is affective commitment. (because it has been explained on the chapter 2). just explain how it influences. Make the direction to procedural justice leads to higher degree of affective commitment. How Procedural Justice influences Affective Commitment if there is any question please put it on message. please use a good refference for both dimension (Academy of Management, journal of applied psychology, etc.. (it is very important!))