Hugo claimed that the printing press would kill the cathedral
In a famous line Hugo claimed that the printing press would kill the cathedral. Do you think architecture or literature is more long-lasting? Refer to the required reading to address this one. Stafford Library resource Notre-Dame De Paris.6 by Hugo, Victor. Read the following sections:
o Book 1 Chapter V: Quasimodo (p.54-60). The author describes the deformity of his main character.
o Book 4 Chapter III: Immanis Pecoris Custos, Immanior Ipse (p.163-170). The author draws a parallel between Quasimodo and Notre Dame.
o Book 3 Chapter I: Notre Dame (p.119-127). The author focuses on the peculiarity of Notre Dame de Paris and praises its architectural form.
o Book 5 Chapter II: This Will Kill That (p.195-206). The author reflects on the relation between architecture and the printing press.
o Note to the Definitive Edition (p.8-12). The author reflects on the future or architecture.
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