Hugo claimed that the printing press would kill

Hugo claimed that the printing press would kill the cathedral
Hugo claimed that the printing press would kill the cathedral

Hugo claimed that the printing press would kill the cathedral

In a famous line Hugo claimed that the printing press would kill the cathedral. Do you think architecture or literature is more long-lasting? Refer to the required reading to address this one. Stafford Library resource Notre-Dame De Paris.6 by Hugo, Victor. Read the following sections:

o Book 1 Chapter V: Quasimodo (p.54-60). The author describes the deformity of his main character.

o Book 4 Chapter III: Immanis Pecoris Custos, Immanior Ipse (p.163-170). The author draws a parallel between Quasimodo and Notre Dame.

o Book 3 Chapter I: Notre Dame (p.119-127). The author focuses on the peculiarity of Notre Dame de Paris and praises its architectural form.

o Book 5 Chapter II: This Will Kill That (p.195-206). The author reflects on the relation between architecture and the printing press.

o Note to the Definitive Edition (p.8-12). The author reflects on the future or architecture.

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