Human Body Figured or Disfigured as a Site of Horror Explain how the Human Body is Radically Figured or Disfigured as a Site of Horror
Provided works: Cabin in the Woods (film), H.P. Lovecraft, “Rats in the Walls”, H. H. Munro, “Sredni Vashtar”, Edgar Allan Poe, “The Black Cat” "Jekyll and Hyde", The Descent (film),
Frankenstein, Splice (film)
Land of the Dead (film)
Introduction:[1st sentence] give author’s name and name of text.[2nd sentence] say one general thing about the topic.[3rd sentence] the thesis(3-4 thesis in total, each thesis has one body paragraph)
[4th sentence] say what the conclusion will be.
Body paragraphs:[1st sentence ]topic sentence(what you will prove in this paragraph)[2nd sentence–
4th sentence] introduce and explain an example, choose the best example of the work. Explain how and why the example proves your point.
Important!!!! do not summarize any plot. Only use the specific example of the text(the specific details). quotation , references , MLA ,APA styles not allowed, only use your own words.