Human Resource Management Questions TERM PAPER REQUIREMENTS
A mini term paper on a specific Human Resource Management Topic is REQUIRED for this course.

Unauthorized Late submissions will not be accepted.
The term paper should not be treated as a creative writing assignment, however, as a research paper that focuses on a “Human Resource Management” topic. Thus, your emphasis should be on facts, information, and evidence that involves Human Resource Management.
Human Resource Management Questions and Brief Summary
The term paper MUST include an brief summary (outline) of issues in your paper which also pertains to the topic and concepts expressed in your textbook. (The outline is similar to an executive summary.)
The term paper must be typewritten, and where appropriate, must contain reference sources, endnotes and a bibliography. (References, bibliographies, etc. Are separate and do not count toward your page requirements)
The term paper must be a minimum of 4 full pages and a maximum of 5 pages in length, double spaced
(Multiple spaces between lines will adversely affect the grade of your paper), and must have11-12” font (larger fonts will adversely affect your grade)
Again, the reference / bibliography page is separate and does not count as a part of the paper.
Also headings must not take up substantial sections of the page. For example,
Human Resource Management Questions Term Paper Topics
Preparing for a Career in HR (Necessary Competencies, Certifications, etc.)
Strategic HRM’s Link to Organizational Objectives
Employment Issues Posed by Legal and Illegal Immigration
Diversity Training: The Positives and Negatives
Job Analysis: Is It Still the Cornerstone of Effective HR Management?
Work Schedule Variations – Benefits vs. Disadvantages
An Evaluation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: Has It Accomplished Its Purposes?
Managing Employee Turnover
Managing Rising Healthcare Cost
Performance Appraisal – Is it Worth It?
Equitable Compensation: Great in Theory … Difficult in Practice
Executive Compensation – Criticisms and Defenses
Managing Workplace Violence
Legislation Affecting “Employment-at-Will” Doctrine
Effective Approaches to Discipline and Discharge.
Employer Strategies and Tactics During a Union Organizing Campaign
Privacy Issues – Employee vs. Employer Rights