Human Resources from ERP Perspective

Human Resources from ERP Perspective
Human Resources from ERP Perspective

Human Resources from ERP Perspective Scenario: Your represent a consulting firm that has been selected to present its best practices for implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning system at the upcoming Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Conference in Washington, D.C. You should prepare and deliver a presentation that explains the human resources process from the Enterprise Resource Planning perspective. Create an 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes in which you complete the following: •Explain why the role in the Human Resources department has become critical to the success of the organization. •Discuss key processes managed by human resources departments in your organization. •Provide a list of best practices that will result from adopting the Human Resources-related module(s) of the Enterprise Resource Planning system. •Outline the responsibilities of the Human Resources department. Your response may include personal experiences with a Human Resources department. •Discuss employee turnover and the cost of hiring. Your response may include personal experiences in employee turnover and its financial impact on business. •Explain how SAP ERP systems distinguish between a task, job, and person. •Include a slide with references at the end of the presentation. Format the presentation consistent with APA guidelines. Use bullet points in the slides applying the six-pack rule of no more than six lines a slide and no more than six words a line. Use scholarly sources from the library or your text not the Internet.

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