Hungryhouse Digital Marketing

UK takeaway ordering platform Hungryhouse became a household name, but
back in 2007 the company was a little-known start-up pitching for investment
from the Dragons of popular BBC TV show, Dragons Den.
Having delivered a professional pitch, founders Shane Lake and Tony Charles
were offered 100,000 for 50% equity from Dragons Caan and Bannatyne
which the duo then accepted. However, after the show, the deal went awry
according to Hungryhouse’s blog four months after filming, post-show due
diligence ground to a halt after Caan became unsure whether the business
would take off.
Lake and Charles didn’t let this rejection set them back; raising 150,000 from
alternative business angels a few months later which would enable them to
increase their restaurant partners from 150 in 2007 to over 2,500 in September
In February 2013, the company was acquired by Berlin-based competitor
Delivery Hero for an undisclosed amount and then sold to JustEat in November
In 2018, after over a decade of successful trading,

announced by an email to its customers that it was closing.

If Hungryhouse was to relaunch, and if you were appointed Digital Marketing
Manager for your task would be to create a report on how
Hungryhouse can maintain market share amongst its competitors using digital
marketing strategies and tactics.
You are required to write a report that addresses the following 6 tasks:

  1. Discuss the differences between Traditional and Digital Marketing. Explain
    why it would be important for Hungryhouse to invest in digital marketing. LO 1
  2. Demonstrate and discuss how Hungryhouse could utilise website optimisation
    techniques to improve the performance of its website. LO 3
  3. Critically discuss how Hungryhouse could use Search Engine Optimisation
    (SEO), Social Media (SMM) and Content Marketing to attract, retain and
    engage with customers. LO3
    Your discussion should cover:
    o Key activities associated with implementing an SEO. SMM and Content
    Marketing Strategy.
    Note: For DMI applications, screenshots of the tools used for
    SEO, SMM and Content marketing should be included.
    o Critically discuss the KPIs and metrics that should be used to manage
    and monitor an SEO, SMM and content marketing strategy.
  4. Discuss how Pay-Per-Click advertising (PPC) and Online Display (& Video)
    advertising could have been used to increase brand awareness and website
    visibility amongst its competitors. LO 2, LO 3
    GSM LONDON Page 5 of 12
    Your discussion should cover:
    The steps that should be taken to design an effective PPC and Online
    Display (& video) advertising campaign.
    Note: For DMI applications, screenshots of the tools for PPC and
    Online display (and video) advertising should be included as
    Identification of how could target its key audience
    through these channels.
    Explanation of any budgetary implications or dependencies.
    An overview of the relevant laws and guidelines
  5. Outline how could have incorporated Email Marketing into its
    digital marketing strategy to attract and retain customers. LO3 & LO4
  6. Discuss the ways by which could have made use of analytics
    and management of digital marketing methods discussed within this report. LO5

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