Idea generations Research Assignment Paper

Idea generations
                    Idea generations

Idea generations

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Assessment Task 1 –Opportunity Analysis

Collaborative – Groups of 3 (Max)

Refer sample marketing report (BillyGo). Scenario.

After the success of its HBC range, BillyGo has been approached by several associations and groups.

These include

  • Special needs children and children with disabilities.
  • Mobility devices and add-ons for wheelchairs, motorised scooters
  • Special terrain pedal powered recreational vehicles.

Your role as a marketing consultant is to collect, short-list and evaluate viable market based business opportunities (Australia) for BillyGo.

  1. Participate in a guided brainstorm session to generate possible ideas.
  2. Capture and document viable ideas generated.
  3. Refine, rate and short list ideas using an agreed selection criteria based on business merit.
  4. Select 2 ideas. Post 2 ideas on the discussion forum provided.

Note 1; All teams must be different.

Note 2; ideas that provide benefits for special need groups may be eligible for specia

Government grants and funding.

  1. Research market potential based on demographic, geographic, psychographic data.
  2. Document research findings using a segmentation table.
  3. Submit your findings in business report form. Opportunities must be explained, justified and supported.

Marking Guide (Rubric)


Idea generations

  1. Electrical gadgets for monitoring
  2. Digital wheelchair/special wheel chair
  3. Special cars
  4. Special motor bikes or bicycles


Electrical gadgets for monitoring health are commonly used by many and are assembled by different companies therefore they are already in the market. Special wheelchair or digital wheelchair, most disabled people use wheelchair and they apply force to move, adding or assembling digital start up or button for them to move, it will be very effective and efficient. It means that, the idea is vulnerable since the market has not been fully amortized by these wheelchairs. Special cars and motor bikes/bicycles also are highly demanded in different market segmentation. Due to increased standard of living, many disabled people want to drive and also have an easy and efficient way of alighting the car. In addition, most of them want to ride bikes, therefore coming up with simple special bikes for them; we can increase our market share.

Short listed ideas

Digital wheelchair; young population that are disabled and also the aging population that are also disable, may have little force to push the normal wheelchair for them to move. For this reason, proving or coming up with a digital wheelchair, where the disable people have to press to move, it will be efficient and effective for them to loco mote. This idea will ease their work performance, therefore many will demand for them and due to high demand, more will be supplied hence the company market share and competitive position will increase and finally the company will make a lot of profit, (CHOUINARD, HALL, & WILTON, 2010).

Special cars/bikes/ bicycles; many disabled people have different living standard and also the needs differ. For this reason, coming up with special cars, bikes and bicycles that are efficient for them to operate, they will make them feel recognized and well known in the society since they can enjoy same preferences with people with no disability. In return, they will purchase more of the cars, bikes, bicycles so as not to feel inferior and this will be of profit to the company, (KOHLBACHER, & HERSTATT, 2011).


KOHLBACHER, F., & HERSTATT, C. (2011). The silver market phenomenon marketing and innovation in the aging society. Heidelberg, Springer.

CHOUINARD, V., HALL, E., & WILTON, R. (2010). Towards enabling geographies “disabled” bodies and minds in society and space. Farnham, Surrey, Ashgate.

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