Identifying the Proposed Stakeholders

The purpose of this assignment is for to identify the proposed stakeholder Identifying the Proposed Stakeholders for your project. (My project is based on prescriptive oversight aspect and targeted funding for addiction prevention/ treatment.)

 Identifying the Proposed Stakeholders
Identifying the Proposed Stakeholders

These are the individuals/organizations that your team will contact later in the project to discuss your project alternatives.
Problem description:
There is too much ease of accessibility to opioids in Louisiana with too few regulatory mandates in place for prescriptive oversight and targeted funding for addiction prevention and treatment.”

Identifying the Proposed Stakeholders Problem Description

Read the above problem description and Write a complete 1-2 pages paper that includes:
1. Name of eight (8) proposed stakeholders (name of organizations) and who does this Stakeholder represent?
2. List at least 6 questions that you might ask the stakeholders.
Provide at least 2 credible references cited in APA. These are the individuals/organizations that your team will contact later in the project to discuss your project alternatives.
Problem description:
“There is too much ease of accessibility to opioids in Louisiana with too few regulatory mandates in place for prescriptive oversight and targeted funding for addiction prevention and treatment.”
Read the above problem description and Write a complete 1-2 pages paper that includes:
1. Name of eight (8) proposed stakeholders (name of organizations) and who does this Stakeholder represent?
2. List at least 6 questions that you might ask the stakeholders.

Identifying the Proposed Stakeholders References

Provide at least 2 credible Identifying the Proposed Stakeholders references cited in APA. These are the individuals/organizations that your team will contact later in the project to discuss your project alternatives.
Problem description:
“There is too much ease of accessibility to opioids in Louisiana with too few regulatory mandates in place for prescriptive oversight and targeted funding for addiction prevention and treatment.”
Read the above problem Identifying the Proposed Stakeholders description and Write a complete 1-2 pages paper that includes:
1. Name of eight (8) proposed stakeholders (name of organizations) and who does this Stakeholder represent?
2. List at least 6 Identifying the Proposed Stakeholders questions that you might ask the stakeholders.
Provide at least 2 credible references cited in APA.

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