Impact of Progress in Renewable Energy Technology

Impact of Progress in Renewable Energy Technology Order Instructions: 2,000 words (with 10% plus or minus leeway)

Impact of Progress in Renewable Energy Technology
Impact of Progress in Renewable Energy Technology

This assignment is worth 50% of the total marks for the

Assignment Task
The current trend in the United Kingdom energy policy suggests an
evolutionary direction from a high fossil fuel driven economy, to an
environmentally friendly energy policy, mainly due to the evidence of climate
change and global warming.
Using the Strength-Weakness-Opportunity-Threat (SWOT) analytical tool,
critically discuss the impact of advancements in renewable energy
technologies in the direction of the energy policy of the United Kingdom.

Total marks for assignment: 100

A clear demonstration of rigorous
research from recognized
authoritative sources. Audience

Rigorous use of the Harvard
Methodology for citation and
referencing; page numbering; correct
display of direct quotations.
10 %

Demonstration of a clear
understanding of the issues. Use of
academic models.

Impact of Progress in Renewable Energy Technology Sample Answer


Changes in technology in the United Kingdom has played an important role in climate change since these functions contribute to the reduction of technological costs, a factor that leads to the increase in market penetration of emission-reducing initiatives (Cahoy, pp. 24-28, 2012). This paper seeks to provide a conceptual framework that highlights the necessity of the need for renewable energy technologies in the direction of energy policies in the United Kingdom.

In a brief overview, the paper will determine the induced innovative hypothesis by clearly showing interventions that have been an essential tool in advancing the course of renewable energy technologies in the United Kingdom (Cahoy, pp. 24-28, 2012). Different literature will be incorporated to show different views on the need for renewable policies with the aim of overcoming the concomitant barriers and failures of its success. Through the incorporation of situational analysis, the paper will critically detail the impacts and advancements that can be achieved in initiating renewable energy technologies in line with the energy policies of the United Kingdom.

Impact of Progress in Renewable Energy Technology

It is important to note that the many challenges that have been experienced worldwide are due to climate changes that result from carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions that are released in the environment massively (Daugherty, & Carter, pp. 24-28. 2010). It is out of these measures that a substantial effort is required in order to reduce the concentrations of CO2 at levels that mitigates the increments in subsequent temperature rates, a factor that would cause effects on the economic performance, ecosystems, and welfare.

Increased cases of diffusion and adaptation of renewable energy technologies play a significant role in contemporary society today. Several appeals have been made to enlighten people on the potential of relying on renewable energies with some bearing no fruits (Daugherty, & Carter, pp. 24-28. 2010). Renewable energy has the benefit of generating local environmental and health benefits to the environment and the locals as well as approaches of facilitating energy access that can positively impact competitiveness, employment, and a sustainable green growth system.

It is against this background that technology and its advances included the changes play a significant role in helping lower the costs which in turn enables the United Kingdom to increase its market penetration on the renewable energy technologies (Daugherty, & Carter, pp. 24-28. 2010). Technological developments of this nation need to be therefore accelerated with the aim of reducing the elements of low carbon by making the renewable energy technologies (RET) is cheaper and more efficient for the adaptation of large scale consumption in the country.

It is crucial to regard that the selection and dissemination of the renewable energy technologies have been strongly hampered by several obstacles that need to be addressed. The numerous failures in implementing these initiatives in the United Kingdom can be attributed to the high costs and risks associated with the implementation f this programs, unfavorable pricing structures, the limited access to these modes of diffusion including the non-consideration of the benefits of this concomitant (Ewalk, Elzarka, Hellwig, & Stein, pp. 91-119, 2014).

Literature Review on Factors that Affect these Processes

In identifying the major factors that have hampered the implementation of the renewable

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